Reliq Matrix Mixer

  • It looks really good in person
  • It can mirror Ableton’s session view
  • It’s very thick/tall, but they will reduce it by 50% before launch
  • I/O hardware is not yet finalized, they are still debating some features which could be awesome for studios

Put down my $1 awhile back. Potentially very cool

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I’m VERY interested in seeing how this shapes up, and ultimately how it compares to Hapax.

I love my Hapax, however updates have been slow, and it’s in need of bugfixes and the addition of (what I would consider) basic functionality.

Reliq looks like a dream come true…

I hope that both Reliq and Hapax fulfill their potential!

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I sold my Hapax a month or so back, as just didn’t gel with it and the updates were slow as you say. I’m definitely interested in this unit though

If they open sourced this. :exploding_head:


I was dreaming of this too!

If they’re passionate about it and dedicated to improving it, it might not even matter though.

I feel for you!

I cant sell it (yet) as there’s nothing else that does what it does.

It has so much potential… some of it is so well thought out.

But also plenty of bugs and holes in functionality.

I’m hopeful though, as Squarps previous products have been updated well apparently.

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I’ve found them to very passionate and eager to get feedback from potential customers, so it’s worth communicating with them.

“I’d buy that for a dollar!” – Robocop

But seriously, I did the dollar down thing. Even if it never sees the light of day it would be a dollar well spent in terms of supporting small makers trying to make interesting ideas come to light…

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Was thinking the same thing. Now I need my hands on one for beta testing as I hate waiting. :slight_smile:

Put the dollar in the jar as well. Brilliant device. Think it will transform the way I’ve set up my studio completely. It might not but it’s worth a shot :slight_smile:


This is a dream machine, wish it had a sampler /looper included, overall very intresting mixer. I put a dollar in for sure.

I’ve decided to buy this!

Going to run it alongside my Hapax then keep whichever shapes up best for sequencing.

I really really reaaaally hope they do it right, specially with built quality. Features can be added but please make it feel premium!
Give it that sort of Elektron built like a tank style. Gimme cold metal and glass, the world already has enough plastic. :slight_smile:

What I don’t like from the videos so far: The screen looks big (which is just awesome) but it also looks very glossy which I would hope for isn’t in the final design. And I’m not convinced about the wood either but I haven’t seen the device in person yet cause I was so stupid not to go to Superbooth this year.