Rembering where I am

Two weeks in and I’m slowly getting to know my Syntakt, one thing I struggle a little bit with is remembering quickly what synth is on which numbered track/button. I come from the OPZ which specifies what each track is for (kick drum, chord, arp etc) but with the Syntakt it is not so clear and I often get in a bit of a muddle. I wonder if anyone else has this problem and if they have found a way round it?

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Keep to your own system ? Probably one as close to the default track setup as possible. E.g. Keep your kick always on track 1, snare on 2, bass line on 3 or whatever makes sense to you.

I don’t have a syntakt but this is what I do on model:cycles.


I have the same problem on the digitakt and try to do what was recommended above but it also sort of depends on what constants you think you’ll have on a high proportion of tracks, I chose three: kick, snare and high hat and try to consistently keep them on the same tracks with the other five to fuck around with whatever with. Maybe also consider using small pieces of white gaffers tape to label things with.


Yes, it can be confusing, and I agree that keeping to a system of sorts is a good idea—I find it hard to make one that’s dead simple with the physical arrangement of analog v digital machines and the cymbal track. (I do: 9 BD, 10 SD, 11 analog bass or lead, 12 Cymbal, digital percussion left, digital melody right, 1 to macros and polyphony via RK-002 MIDI loopback.)

One thing that helps me on Digitakt or when looking at a nonstandard pattern is to get to the ordinary trig mode where the trigs light up even when muted: it’s easy to find different percussion tracks especially by how they light up.

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I use same logic for all my Syntakt project — same track has same function across all of them.
so, no need to remember particular timbres.

this system has its limitations, but since it’s adopted with gigging/jamming in mind — I’m fine with that.

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Thanks for your replies, that is helpful, I’m glad I’m not the only one with this problem.

Hmmm… is there already a feature request like the following?

‘We need an overview screen that lists per track the respective machine together with track length, track scale and so on.’

Me too, like most people here: Specific sounds per track. Related: You can can make a kit on A1, with each sound where you like it and tweaked to your taste, and copy that Pattern to all other Patterns - even if it doesn’t contain sequencer info (triggs) yet. Every new Pattern you start will contain your own starting Kit!

Ive been doing that for the last few Projects and it’s really cemented which sound fits where. (It even includes the tracks that I use as midi sequencers)


Something similar - may be there is an advice… How can i know that some tracks in pattern have FILL triggers?
Added simple answer - add a sign to pattern name, like a symbol #

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Same here. Also do this on other Intruments.
Very important if you do live. There is little room to try and figure what lives where. It’s easier to have everything in the same spot and instinctively know what tracks to bring in.