Remission is a fascinating album

Everyone seems to talk about Rabies but Remission is a pioneering work and a truly great debut with perhaps the best opening track ever for such.

I didn’t realize Ministry was so lame before it came out but I don’t think they ever really caught up…


I always really really liked smothered hope
Brap on!


I never really was a fan of Rabies because of the Ministry sound. I also prefer Remission. Those early Puppy records are the perfect blend of catchy melodies and weird sounds. They did some really glitchy vocal effects before glitch was invented.


Those are my fave SP albums besides Mind:TPI. So ahead of their time, yet timeless.

My favorite tracks are Solvent, Icebreaker, Incision and, of course, Assimilate (with an assist by Tom Ellard.)


I love those first Puppy albums and still listen to them. Remission and Bites are hard to beat, but I think Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse is my favorite, just because it’s so danged weird, even by Skinny Puppy’s standards. Cleanse Fold and Manipulate is also excellent. I never cared for Rabies (still don’t), and I wasn’t keen on Ministry’s harder stuff. I preferred Dessau and Numb for that sorta thing (Dessau’s cover of “Isolation” is fantastic). So much of that stuff still holds up well. It was a neat era for electronic music.


I’ve a lot of time for the odder and less obviously catchy stuff in the early years especially the stuff of Back & Forth 2 and disk 3 of Brap. But probably my favourite era is the mid-late 80s such as CF&M. Being honest though, I rarely listen to them these days because I really can’t be bothered with Ogre’s vocals as much as I loved them when I was young. Consequently my favourite Skinny Puppy album is Doubting Thomas’ The Infidel…


Does anyone else think that Assimilate would of made a great theme song for the Dr Who reboot?

Also, what’s up with that raprock song Pro-Test? Everytime it pops on I laugh a little to myself as it reminds me of Crazy Town’s Butterfly or something.

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I thought this thread was about Mastodon for a second. I’ve never actually listened to Skinny Puppy because my only context has ever been high school edge lords.

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I guess you’re already aware of The Tear Garden? Their first album was recorded just in that period you’re after, maybe there’s something on there you like. If you can be bothered with Edward Ka-Spel’s vocals, that is :wink:

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You have a lot of listening to do then :slight_smile:

Interesting seeing M:TP as so many people’s favorite. The cheesy rom sounds are fun in context of puppy’s music like how the album opens with that whistle from some Roland synth. Dwayne’s first album with the band too which might be a reason why it sounds so fresh and different from their previous stuff.

Remission is a killer album and still sounds so good today. Their early stuff like remission, bites and the back and forth albums are probably my all time favorite music. Never gets old. Wild how nothing out there sounds anything like it.

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I immediately thought that it wouldn’t from memory thinking about the instrumental version from Back & Forth 2 but then I looked it up on youtube to check and literally the first commment was that it sounds like the Dr Who theme song so what do I know?

Yeah! I don’t mind the vocals of EK-S at all and I really like the first 3 albums they did… weirdly, I don’t mind Ogre’s section from You & Me & Rainbows - probably because it’s just a short part of that longer trippier journey and acts as a nice contrast to other sections…


I can’t believe no one has mentioned VIVIsect VI. VX Gas Attack is iconic, and Dogshit is absolutely ripping.

My first was CFM, then Bites and Remission, then pretty much everything. I rather liked Rabies, but everyone knew it was “the best Skinny Puppy album Ministry ever made” (or vice versa).

You & Me & Rainbows has held up surprisingly well. Even Ogre’s bit.


We talking about the Mastodon Record? In which case I agree!!!

Well, some rando’s comment on youtube validating my opinion makes me even more fearful of Daleks.

It’s weird to read this thread cos I have been a huge SP fan since the 90s and the albums I like less are the first ones. I like from VivisectVI onwards, especially The Process, and all subsequent side projects (Download , etc).

Funny, I’ve been in Vancouver for a few days.


Love Remission, but I’m more into Mind:TPI, ViViSectVi, Too Dark Park, Brap Back and Forth, 12” Anthology, and then Download.

Ordered a bunch of vinyl a couple weeks ago. Never found TDP for under $150 though….

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Well when a band has as many albums as they do I guess it’s natural to have a wide range of opinions on favorites.

I spent most my youth at the alter of Ministry under the wrong impression as to who the true industrial gods were. Now I feel subjected to unwanted stigmata.


The (real?) reverb on Remission and Bites is something special. Played Bites a few months for the first time in a while - Last Call is an underrated cut with hilarious lyrics.

Top SP for me will always be tied between CFM and VIVIsectVI. Rabies has some amazing cuts even though it’s a mess of an album. Two Time Grime is still unbelievable. The Doubting Thomas material also scratches the same itch!

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This brief Roland article talks about what they had to go with their new 909 at the time to get it grimy.