Remove all parameter locks for a track

Is it possible to just wipe out all the parameter locks for a single track (without removing the note trigs)?

Sometimes I get a whole bunch of automation recorded that I don’t want, and I want to kill it without killing the note pattern.

I’d like to know this as well.

I read about a way to do this once, but when I tried it it didn’t work on my machine.

(What I do now is that whenever I want to record automation or do a lot of parameter locking, I just copy the track (F+copy when Rec is on) and then when I want to return to the original after parameter locking away, I reload by F+Paste.

Works, but I would like a way to remove parameters locks as well.)

Hold the trigs you want clear down and then press the clear button. I don’t know what the all clear is. But that will get you started.

[li]In LIVE RECORDING mode, turning a DATA ENTRY knob will input parameter locks to the active track. Note trigs will be locked accordingly and trigless locks containing the locks will be placed on the sequencer steps not containing note trigs.
To remove the parameter locks of all tracks while LIVE RECORDING mode is active, press and hold [FUNC- TION] + [NO/RELOAD]. Sound locks will, however, not be erased.
Press [NO/RELOAD] + one (or several) of the [PADS] in order to erase a sequence of recorded trigs on a spe- cific track (or on several tracks) in time with the sequencer, i.e. all steps reached on the pattern playing will be erased, until the keys are released. Sound locks will not be erased.
Remove specific parameter locks in real time by pressing [NO/RELOAD] while pressing the DATA ENTRY knob corresponding to the parameter that will be removed. [/li]
• Up to 72 different parameters can be locked in a pattern. A parameter counts as one (1) locked parameter no matter how many trigs that lock it. If for example the cutoff parameter of the filter is locked on every sequencer step, there are still 71 other parameters that can be locked. [/ol]

Make sure you’re in live recording mode ie flashing red light :slight_smile:



Does anyone know how to clear, if you can, parameter locks while in grid mode, and only removing parameters specific to the track you’re in (e.g. not all tracks’ parameter locks of)?

In grid recording mode, hold down the trigs whose locks you want to remove & press Clear.

In grid recording mode, hold down the trigs whose locks you want to remove & press Clear.[/quote]
Yeah, I knew that, but I was hoping for a way to do it for the entire track without having to go through all the steps…though, being able to press multiple steps does make it easier.

I sometimes miss the super menu found on the mnm.

oh for a sticky-trig-select allowing multiple trigs (on multiple pages) to be preselected before applying any number of sequencer commands - basically allowing what’s possible if you had a few spare hands (but incorporating a means to select across all four pages)
sure- it’s nothing that can’t be done with multiple passes, but such a conceptually simple idea could be a fantastically creative workflow booster
having said that - there’s not necessarily a super obvious way to achieve that given the myriad of ways to do operations already, some of which rely on keys down, some not and so on

In grid recording mode, hold down the trigs whose locks you want to remove & press Clear.[/quote]
Yeah, I knew that, but I was hoping for a way to do it for the entire track without having to go through all the steps…though, being able to press multiple steps does make it easier.

I sometimes miss the super menu found on the mnm.[/quote]
Ah yeah see what you mean. Yes mnm has some fine features not implemented elsewhere, shame!

Another way might be to Save your pattern before you lay down some parameter locks in live record mode. Then if the tweaks suck just reload the pattern.

in grid edit mode i think you can hold down the trig withe the parameter lock then push in the encoder that has that parameter change to erase it