Request: Rack case for 3 Elektron units :P

Would it possible for Elektron to maybe work with a company that makes cases to do a rack case for 3 Elektron boxes or vice versa …would be awesome to have a dedicated case for Elektron gear thats you just could throw the lid on and transport to your next spot lets say live gigs or jamming with friends.

Features that would be awesome is an internal power supply and and fixtures to put the power supplies to the machines. No more struggle to disconnect cables…

Thats my request…if anyone has any solution allready please tell :joy:

Dream BIG :wink:

Maybe folding up in a z shape.

Not too fussed with power supply stuff but a built in attachment for a goose neck light would be cool.

I like the 3 tier setup because using one hand to do func-mutes/solos across multiple machines is key for my style.

My workaround in the studio on occasion has been…

But the 3rd tier stand too bulky and heavy for portability.

I have considered ordering something looking like this…

Off amazon or its like. May well do one day soon as my monomachine becoming more essential as time goes by.

Looks really nice :slight_smile: But the thing im after is a case with lid, slanted, on/off swithc at the back, usb connectors at the back…a sort of all in one rack case. I guess its a DIY :stuck_out_tongue:

There are a lot of different brands of rackcase manufacturers, that offers custom tailored solutions. Some cheaper than others perhaps, but still it is custom and probably priced as such.

I think that it is possible to find an pretty neat solution within the aviable DJ/rack case models that already exists today from different brands. That would work for you.

Problem is to figure out which one that fits your personal preferences best, if there is one. If you can´t find any best option then you´re probably already aware of WHAT you are missing in all these aviable options.

And with that info, you are ready to contact companies that build custom cases. If you don´t know how you´d like it, then probably no one else does either.

In my humble (private) opinion, readymade cases for desktop units seems good theoretically on the paper. But there are as many personal preferences/limitations as there are cases out there. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to this unfortunately…

To my knowledge, the latest brand someone shared on this forum:

And for the brave people (in europe):

Regarding readymade ‘set-and-forget’ solutions, i e connectors, USB sockets etc:

There probably exists a lot more similar brands/companies both in US and Europe…

I picked one up and it was clumsy and the amount space is larger then you think.

My neighboor , build me a nice frame to put my octatrack and machinedrum in…
he build it out of nice shiny kitchen-left-over wood… mine is a more openstyle leave it at home deal… but i am sure you are able to build a box that fit your 3 machines.
and have space leftover in the bottom of your box, for the powersupplies and such…
it be a pretty big box… but… hmmm… :slight_smile:

its that or… well the elektrons are 4units, but need a 5th unit for the wires and all that.
so 3 elektrons in 1 pre-made case would need 15!! units of rackspace. so can you find a slanted mixer-flightcase that can house 15 units? that prob the most ideal premade 1 box setup…

I am looking for a flight-case for an AnalogKeys and one Octatrack. It is more or less the same lenght.

AnalogKeys + Octatrack = 100cm lenght
3 Elektron Octatracks longitudinal= 102cm lenght

I would like it to be already setup with MIDI and audio cables. Ready to take the lid off and begin playing with little time of setup.

Yeah thanks for the head up. I notice many of them are for 17 inch notebooks but a 13 inch? hmmm maybe. Was not too convinced of knockovability (is that a word?) potential also.

Oh & McPepe…

Thanks for the tip. Will buy a slanted mixer case and mod it from there…Adamhall had everything needed :slight_smile:

Good luck!!!

Please share your experience here, would love to follow your progress/thoughts!

Of course :slight_smile: Just need to get funds to do it first…so it will probably be a slow and steady progress :stuck_out_tongue:


Same here, however I haven´t decided on:

Amount of units
Which units
Amount of ‘stations’
Which ‘stations’
Connections inbetween all depending on above decisions…

All of above needs to be considered back and forth in regard to: weight, portability, flexibility in sounds and control as well as to what I want or need to bring whenever my band plays live.

Coming from an 5-10he rack effects units, + two amps + two extra cabinets, guitar only setup (= ‘guitar station’).

Wanting to implement synths, OT, looper etc (= other ‘stations’) and leaving options ready for interconnections with my band members setup (their ‘stations’). As well as leaving options to rearrange the setup for different approaches in being creative with the whole setup in full.

sigh… I need a beer.

i m looking for a case to put in 1 octatrack,one analog rytm and one virus ti2 desktop and i thought about it, do you think it could match? (the virus ti need a bit more than 4u space like the elektrons!

something like this with angled connectors and 1U of space between each Elektron box could be a solutions.

It is a 14U rack. Each Elektron is 4U, you then have 2 U for having space for connectors

Does the TI2 have an adjustable back plate? The TI does, so you can change it from rear outputs (e.g. desktop style 4ru + 1ru connections), to bottom outputs (e.g. rackmount style, just 4ru)

yes i can have do it on ti 2 but it s still a little bit more than a 4u this way i think 4u and a half
i found this

do you think it will fit?

The SKB gun/rifle cases work well for me… some pics and info here from the old forum

I want it on some kind of keytar or harnes arrangement so I can walk around playing my Elektrons like Ceephax Acid Crew

Note the advanced solutions in this video that allow all devices to operate without annoying wires or the necessity of carrying heavy speakers around, the sounds are simply broadcast directly into the listener’s mind.

Get on it someone.

what a boring post boring video and boring music!!!
why did you reply this!! nothing to do in this thread!!

Looks really good…just little bit curious about the space under the units in and the ventilation. Would be nice to have room for the power supplies in it and a power supply in a rack unit for with on/off switch…something like this

Its a bit overkill with 8 sockets but u get the idea…sort of plug n play case.

Maybe a similar case with 1 or 2 u underneath ?