Resampling unusable on MD UW+

Is it just me or is internal resampling just unusable?
It’s been a while and I forgot about this issue… I cannot figure out how to get the same sound from the master outs… what is played back is distorted and unusable… :rage::triumph::roll_eyes:

Btw nothing to do with available memory as the MD is brand new and nothing has been loaded yet… :roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t reckon it should be unusable? A few others in the forum said the resampling was an essential reason to get an MDUW.Have you tried it on a completely unaffected kit? Just to be certain it isn’t a setting on any of the pages? Are you doing internal or external resampling?

Maybe open a ticket. I know when I had my first UW and I tried external resampling there was an issue with mine where, when I tried it just became a loud obnoxious electric hum that caused me to reboot my system to regain functionality(Effing eBay). So MAYbe it’s just a thing that happens with a blue moon unit?

I’ve seen the problem before… when I used to own it in the past (and am referring to internal resampling).

I load up different kits that come bog standard with the unit - 1 with Rom sample kick and 1 with synth kick… when I resample with MLev at 0, P1 plays the kicks (and everything else in the loop) a little distorted - as if being bit reduced…

I will see if there is some way to just completely bypass all the effects and parameters.

So annoying - I didn’t solve it back then, hoping it’s different this time around!

Cleared kit, cleared everything, seems to work fine - must have been a dynamix/effects issue