[RESOLVED] Digitone Encoder Issue (With Video)

Hi all I just picked up a new Digitone (yay!) but seem to have a bit of a weird issue with one of the encoders… but only on one screen :confused:

When on the mix screen, using very slight movement on encoder C for T1 doesn’t change the volume at all. I can turn it endlessly and it never changes - it knows that I’ve started turning it (because the value pops up) but the number never goes up - I have to turn it faster than I’d expect and faster than any of the other knobs for it to start increasing - turning it down behaves as expected, it’s only when turning it up.

Where this gets weird is that it only seems to be an issue on the mix screen. i.e. when on any other screen very slight turns will increase values as expected, and the encoder doesn’t seem to behave any differently (i.e. less sensitive) than the other encoders. And all the other encoders behave normally on the mix screen.

Makes it seem like it’s a software not hardware issue - but how could that be?

This is fresh from factory and I started a new project and loaded a preset etc., same behaviour. Anyone encountered anything like this or have any ideas?

Also, on a sidenote, I was a bit dissapointed that Elektron seem to have made a slight change to the encoders recently - they don’t have the same resistance, feel a bit lighter, not as premium - seems to be a different part than what’s used in my Digitakt and the last Digitone I owned. I noticed someone mention that they didn’t think their Syntakt encoders were as good, I’m assuming this is what they were talking about.

Well I’ll be damned - looks like there’s a bug fix waiting for me :slight_smile:

Love an easy fix!