[RESOLVED] Syntakt sound bank : shortcuts don't work

I’ve got the last firmware 1.2. In the Sound Manager Menu, when I Press [TRIG 9–16] to select sound bank A–H , it does not work. Nothing happens.
Do you know if it’s a bug or if I’m doing something wrong because it’s indicated in the documentation page 32 ?

Thx !

Hi and welcome! The BANK button behaves as a shift key for selecting banks as of maybe 1.10? (It’s now easier to audition sounds, takes an extra button press to change banks. There’s a documentation thread if you find its an error in the current manual.)

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Thank you @Humanprogram for your reply. I didn’t quite understand your answer :slightly_smiling_face:
What I would like to do in Sound Manager is to be able to change banks, but I can’t. When I press TRIG 9-16 nothing happens. Which button should I press to change the bank?

Sorry that wasn’t clear, haven’t had all my morning coffee—in sound manager (and most of the sound selection contexts), just hold BANK and press any TRIG 9-16, which correspond to sound banks A-H.


Thank You very much ! Yes, it works much better this way !

Thank you again for your quick response!