Restrictions are for the dreamless

That’s just my own wishful thinking. I have zero inside information.


Yes, even granular video was mentioned. :content:

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People guess granular on everything ever, I think it’s kinda cool but I don’t think I’ll ever need anything more than borderlands honestly. The video doesn’t sound very granular to me


that’s sounds from the digitone sound engine. I’m a 100% positive. whether they are sampled, or there’s some new machine that’s using them… i don’t know.


It could very well be a digitone keyboard. Maybe more voices and separate outs.

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Despite being hilariously wrong most other times, my money’s on a 6/8 track/voice keyboard successor to the MnM/Keys with digital engines and analog filters - it will also play back samples - the no restrictions hints at flexibility of routing or configuration per track or added drum synthesis - it’ll be aluminium and OB compatible and whether it’s this or something else altogether i guarantee there’ll be many sad faces the other side of the announcement, no matter how cool it is, that’s the rules … oh yeah, it’ll be the most expensive thing in the store


This is the machine I’m fearing… because it’s the one I’d want. I’m holding off buying an A4 until I know what this new box is.


To be frank, the hashtags make me think that there is some video component to whatever it is they’re talking about. I doubt it would be a full-blown video synth, but perhaps it could have some unity/video compatibility a la OP-Z. Even cooler if they included some kind of on-board projector, so you can beam stuff to your living room wall. Now I’m sounding crazy though… The sounds in this teaser seem like Digitone. My guess is that this is just an official teaser for the waveform programs Ess has been working on, and enhancements for DT / DN. The big reveal / teaser / etc. is still yet to come.

Side note: Thinking elektron would dive into eurorack is a narrow view. If you thought elektron boxes were expensive now, imagine putting together the equivalent of a single voice from analog four, but having it cost as much as one of the top-flight boxes. They’re machines already have the vibe of modular-in-a-box, in my opinion.


I guess some box to intergrade multiple elektron devices. Something with faders and CV out (euro rack sequencer). And something to compete with op-z regarding video and photo sequencing. Don’t expect it to be OB enabled as they are still working on digitone version.
Model:Fader…anyhow force will be strong in this one :wink:



I wonder what the reaction would be if they dropped it in the same weird long keyboard/box format of the mnm keys. People would be furious but I for one would be thrilled


What would the marked for a video synth be? It’s optimistically like 1-100 vs something synth related. Ans synths are still a relative small marked compared to something like game consoles or phones. So to me it seems kinda unlikely that Elektron would make a video synth thingy.

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The empty thomann place holder for :3lektron: synths is what’s driving my keys/synth theory - but then again it’s the same theory i put forward all other times, give or take a bit

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keys digitone/digitakt combo?

I agree. I was just speculating on hashtags, and then got carried away, as I mentioned. Perhaps that illustrates the futility in all the hype/froth over what new thing is coming out next.

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Digitone Keys would make sense imho^^

It’s already out.


Given Elektron’s basic structure of machines within an instrument, one might imagine that they’ve used their collected knowledge of existing technology to build an instrument where each track can have its own machine, but we’re no longer limited to a defined synthesis. Like the MPC Live or the Deluge, a track can now be a sampled track, an audio track, a Midi track, a synth track, or whatnot. Even the Electribe Sampler does this to some extent, where a track can be either a VA Synth or a Sample-Based something.

Essentially, the same basic structure we’re used to, but now with existing ideas from the ages blended into a great keyboard instrument.


Some wavetable/VA machine. Maybe Digi or model format.

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Model:Dreams - A white noise machine.

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