Retrospectively editing a live performance in Ableton using A4 and overbridge

Hi all,

I am trying to achieve the following:

  • Multitrack record the audio and parameter changes of a live performance on my A4 MK2 using Ableton
  • Subsequently edit the live performance (perhaps tidy a parameter sweep, or change the arrangement)
  • Replay and re-record the performance “automatically” - i.e. have Ableton send out all all the pattern changes, mutes, and parameter sweeps (some of which I edited in the previous step) without fat-fingered me in the loop twiddling knobs

Is this sort of workflow possible using Overbridge 2? I have the A4 connected to Ableton, and can record audio and my configured parameters using the VST. However I cannot see how pattern changes or mutes are integrated, if at all.

Many thanks in advance,

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