Return of HEXASEX (i.e. vol. 2) 96 more sounds for Model:Cycles

One-man sound-design outfit SHADOWBAND is back with another 16x6 sexy and hex-y sounds to expand the sonic horizons of your Model:Cycles!

This time around, things are just as wild and boisterous, yet slightly mellow compared to the first volume (on average!) Plus I put some more focus on glitches and sound effects.

Genres again hover in the vicinity of techno house, oldskool dubstep, afrobeat, electro, and witch house.

Stick around the whole demo for a little homage that should be familiar to fans of old-school Nintendo :dragon_face:

Vol. 1 is receiving a little update to be in line with improvements made in Vol 2.; the performance demo has been added and the preset list has been improved with track # and pattern #, and a CSV version was added to allow you to sort the list however you like! This is useful for perusing the sounds by folder, machine, etc.

Link to the thread for Vol. 1


Nice work. Only 1/2 way through track 1, but that’s way outside the usual recognisable M:C sound pallette.

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There’s been a considerable drop in support for this volume. While I’m disappointed I’m not entirely surprised, I might have released it too soon and the economy.

Any feedback would be most appreciated.

I would have pounced on it, but right now I’m too distracted with new toy MC-101. The firmware update for that, also firmware updates for the Digis, may have distracted others.

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Just picked it up, pretty good demos.

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Sales of both Volume 1 and 2 have picked up in the past few weeks!

Super grateful for the support! It really motivates me to continue!

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