Reverb and Delay Pedals

I’ve been looking at this myself, just think it could do with a couple more knobs and get rid of those foot switches, can’t understand why they would put them on a box like this so close to the touch screen. I hate footswitches !!!


CBA pedals have extensive modulation options which can be accessed via the dip switches at the back and also via midi with the right set of connectors. It is also fully analog with the pros (sounds nice) and cons (can be noisy)

El Cap is completely digital, however it is something of a classic and has a looper that can degrade the loop. Strymon dont make bad pedals, everything they do sounds good.

They are different styles of delay (analog vs tape emulation) but both are really nice.

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That´s a great idea! How did you do that (what is the signal chain)?

A 1000€ just for analog Delay…

Well ok, why Not…:yum: i’ll check El Cap. I already have a Nemesis which i really like! I wonder how they compare.

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El Capistan is more of a set-and-play delay.

Tonal Recall has all that Chase Bliss DIP switch madness/fun/nonsense/genius depending on how you look at that stuff. I’ve used about 0.1% of the potential of my two CBA pedals (Condor and MOOD) by not really playing with the DIPs. They are how you introduce parameter modulation of all sorts to the given CBA pedal. MIDI is also available an option for control.

As for Red Knob vs. Blue Knob, the Red Knob has 4 MN3005 bucket-brigade delay chips vs. the 2 chips in the Blue Knob. Is the extra $100 worth the 2 more chips? Depends on the customer. If I were suddenly wealthy and just wanted another CBA pedal for the hell of it, I’d be looking at the Thermae instead but that’s just me.

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A diagram would be appropriate but I’m too lazy :slight_smile:
I’m using a mixer mono send and stereo return …

  1. Mono send to dual mono adapter
  2. Dual mono adapter to RN 1 and 2 inputs
  3. RN 1 and 2 outs to stereo return on mixer
  4. TRS splitter adapters connected to both RN insert jacks
  5. RN 1 insert send to RN 2 insert return
  6. RN 2 insert send to RN 1 insert return
  7. Magic ensues…

Of course there are probably lots of other clever configurations … maybe using a matrix mixer?

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I’ve been getting to know my Chase Bliss Tonal Recall a little bit more lately, and I’m finding that when working the dip switches right (which isn’t all that easy), you bring out all kinds of musical effects that will technically are delays - since they’re delayed - they’re not perhaps what you’d first consider a typical delay effect.

I got a little thing going with a rhodes-like piano sound from my Prophet 12, where I’m using the Tonal Recall to repeat the loop more in a canon style of way rather than a typical delay fashion, which makes it sound like there’s actually a small group of keyboard players jamming together, following each other’s progressions. It’s quite a unique effect and I found that it transformed the sound so much, the original loop wasn’t all that much to begin with, in comparison.

I had no idea how I got there, it was a happy accident involving the dip switches for sure, but it was a good one (hence the happy).


My go to delay «pedal»



Thanks! Yeah pretty cool one. Quite clean sounding but it can go pretty slow also (long delays) and get the beautiful warbly tape effect :star_struck:


This sounds awesome!! Is it the blue or red knob version?

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The red one. Track’s soon done, I can post it here for reference, it’s a very whimsical piece and the pedal had a lot to do with that.

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I completely missed that spec, but it should’ve been obvious :nerd_face:
@circuitghost is it possible to switch it back to a two chip? They love their switches. I wonder if it sounds too clear with 4 chips? 2 chips giving more breakdown/darkness in repeats?
My Strymon Timeline has this option, which has a lot of character in one chip mode vs two chip mode for the BBD algorithm.

I’m listening to the official demo right now. Usual caveats: Youtube audio quality through computer speakers does not replace audio quality of same pedal through your actual system, etc.

I don’t think “too clear” will be a “problem”, but that’s jmo. Especially towards the end when he starts playing around with self-oscillation.

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I don’t think it’s possible, the 4 chips vs 2 just means the max delay time is longer, which is why RKM has 1100ms max vs 550ms on the OG.

The more chips, the more noise cause its analog. As I understand it the noise effects are additive due to the signal running through more chips which all have some inherent noise, so each chip means the noise from the previous chip(s) + a little more from the current one. But more chips is what enables longer delay times (or something like that, im not a tech).

It is not really a noisy pedal though, you have to have delay time to max and the tone knob fully open to hear any noise, and even then its pretty quiet. If you were really worried about noise you wouldn’t be using an analog delay, it’s never bothered me in practise.

The middle switch SLB lets you switch between short/long/both delay times, I usually have it on L for normal delay, if you want like slapback delay for guitar you might use S.

The darkness comes from the tone knob which filters out any high end noise at a minimum (or maximum hah) but also gives the classic analog delay sound that gets darker each repeat. I think the tradeoff between chip noise and filtering of repeats giving darker tones is what the OG analog delays were all about. You throw in the CBA modulation stuff and you can get some very nice effects.

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Nope, nothing like that. When you go Chase Bliss, you buy into the whole character thing, mono and all. It’s a very particular thing about their pedals. That dusty, nostalgic sound, they’re nailing it. But you can’t tweak it away even if you tried.

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I am a big fan of Strymon and Eventide pedals. Expensive but superb. I would love the Strymon Timeline or Eventide H9 to complement synth gear and guitar tones.

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“Bucket loss” is what I wanted to say. I didn’t explain myself properly. So does the Blue knob version have more pronounced bucket loss than the Red knob mod?
I love the way bucket loss sounds, which comes through earlier with fewer chips. The Timeline exaggerates it well, but to my surprise the H9 can’t. The H9 doesn’t even have a BBD algorithm.

I have never heard that term before, learn something new every day :slight_smile: I haven’t used a blue knob version, the way I understand it is the only diff between the two is the max delay time. You can have a blue knob version modded to the red one by CBA so I don’t think there would be major tonal differences, same pedal just longer max delay time.

Ive only heard YT comparisons but the blue has a darker tone. There’s more noise artifacts in the red at long delay times (naturally with more chips)

There are lots of YT videos comparing the two.