Reverb and Delay Pedals

I had my blue knob upgraded to red and I like it a lot more. I like to be able to slow the delay down a little bit more than the blue was capable of but will agree that it does have a little bit more noise. If you adjust the tone or the mix ( I cant remember off hand) but that will tame some of that extra noise. I like it though and think that its part of the charm that is that pedal.

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I remember thinking my Deluxe Memory Man needed “calibrating” because of the hiss at longer delay times :joy: Bought a Boss DM-2W a decade later and got to enjoy a whole new level of noise and artifacts since it has less filtering going on. Now I embrace that noise since I know it’s a part of the BBD vibe.

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Looks super awesome.

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Bucket loss? It’s where the repeats progressively lose a little bottom end, and overall definition per repetition. It’s like a high pass filter and Bit loss slowly creeping in. It doesn’t actually introduce any noise.
Hello Generation Loss pedal :smiley:

Something like the Strymon Deco, but for BBD degradation would be sweet, with flexible control over all sorts of parameters.

Like my old strymon board?


Volante looks nice! I have a Strymon DIG and a Meris Polymoon. Was sure that i would sell the DIG after getting the Polymoon, but it just sounds so nice. I think the random algoritms on Strymon pedals are very good. And the modulation on the DIG pedal is very natural and gives everything that sligthly detuned goodnes. The polymoon only has a regular sine lfo for modulation, so it doesnt work that well.

But the Volante seems even better for those kind of delays! And it also has “bandpass”. Gotta sell something and get one i guess. hehe

You can get into some odd rhythmic patterns with Volante’s multiple heads/feedback combinations. That’s what I enjoyed most about it.

This is the delay pedal I would get if I had deep pockets. Hand built in the UK and Lee Perry has one. Arron and Abegael who make them are lovely too…

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Hifi sound all around!! :slight_smile:

Cross posting here for relevance… hope that’s ok.

It’s more than OK for me… I hadn’t been paying attention to the other thread as I thought it was more about mixing so I’d have missed it otherwise and I was interested to hear how they sounded… cheers! And I should probably go catch-up on the other thread.

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I’d like to wave the flag for the Ventris reverb pedal. Not the most recent pedal but man does it sound sound amazing!


Hi everybody,

I’m after a reverb and delay unit for my M.D and Blofeld. Not too pricey, with midi cc implementation that can be tweak on the M.D. I’m contemplating right now a lexicon lx5 at a good price (I like the lexicon sound, but is it tweakable enough ?), and a Boss R-500 (love the sound also; not that much delay options if I’m understanding, but the RE-20 preset might be good enough for now).

What’s your takes on those ? Any experiences ?

Don’t know anything about the Lexicon device, but I do own a Boss RV-500. The pedal sounds good, but ideally you tweak your own presets, as the factory presets seem to be lacking to me and don’t really make the most of the quality of this pedal.

If you are willing to mess about with its settings & parameters a bit, an RV-500 is a lovely proposition, especially if you find one used.

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Thanks !

Are you controlling the RV-500 via midi ? Does the lack of delay options bother you, and can it do pitch shifting ?

The delay options are fine for me, but I also have a TimeFactor, so I don’t use them much. But if I had to, I think it would totally suffice for my needs.

The RV-500 has a Shimmer algo where it pitches up, yes, though it’s one of those algorithms that need tweaking to sound good. When I first tried it I felt almost offended by it, but after a bit of tweaking it started to sound good.

Midi control is also possible, I don’t use it but I think it would make the pedal much more accessible - so def possible & valuable.

EDIT: what I mean re accessible: there are quite a few parameters to tweak and the UI is not the most immediate as the number of knobs on the device is limited + it’s a bit menu-divy on the device (long vertical list of prameters) - I think if you attach a controller to it, tweaking it could probably become quite fast and creative, as the pedal allows for tweaking of a whole bunch of parameters, a degree of flexibility that most of my other reverb pedals won’t allow for.


Thanks for those valuable info !

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Curious how you use the Space and Mercury7 - what roles do they play for your setup/sound? Where do they overlap and where do they not?

I’m interested in the Space for the depth as a studio sound design tool (and presets for live), and the mercury7 for the knob-per-function UI for live. Wondering if you see a significant overlap in sound and function or not.

From demos I also love the sound of the Empress, but the LED color coding and ‘thing 1/thing2’ multifunction knobs put me off the UI… at least the Space has a screen to remind you what you’re changing.

In terms of UI, the Space has one up on the Mercury7, as the Mercury7 has secondary functions on all knobs that aren’t labelled…it’s a little annoying. Once you learn the mapping though, it should be quite fluid, but it’s not entirely WYSIWYG - the Space I find much easier to handle.

Soundwise both are really good, but I find the Mercury7 more “special” sounding…but I like big reverbs. I find its sound blends better with the dry signal also, just sounds more integrated. Also I love having an expression pedal connected to it and “crossfading” between two settings with it. I have the Mercury 7 on my Aux 1 of my performance mixer, my Space is currently unplugged :slight_smile:

One reason being is that the Space has all these algos and in a way, that added flexibility makes me use it less…it’s so nice to have to commit to the Plate/Cathedra sounds of the Mercury 7 and make that work for me, rather than having the option to make a choice on algos & settings with the Space, but that’s just me. Same goes with the RV-500 btw, which is even worse in that regard, because it doesn’t have the hands on controls that the Space has. Lastly I like the Eventide sound, but for the guitar it’s a little too somber to my ears (very good though!) while the out-there algos are a little too much for me (eg BlackHole)…but as a production tool I think it’s very good. I have a couple LiquidSonics reverb plugins which I use mainly ITB, that’s why my Space is not hooked up atm, but it might be as well. And just to say it clearly, cause it may not come across here, I like it and wouldn’t sell it as I see me using it again down the line :slight_smile:

I just really love the Mercury 7’s sound, and since I got it it’s replaced all other reverb pedal(s) in my live setup - but I’m also into big, spherical, epic soundscapes and I mainly make music for ritual/trip settings lol, so it suits that purpose well :slight_smile: