Reverb To Delay

I finally did it and added a brand new MD UW to my assortment of magic elektron shoeboxes. Both A4 and OT are very happy about their new brother. First i have to say that it looks much better in real than on images. Also i was expecting the sample transfer to work intolerably slow, but with the tm-1 the transfer of all my favourite kicks and snares was not taking a lot out of my patience.

Now the manual says that the first parameter of the global reverb is for sending the reverbed signal also into the delay, but I can’t get it working. I have set up my delay, feeding it via the respective parameter of a regular track works. Feeding the reverb this way also works. So when i send a signal to the reverb and crank up the reverbs first parameter, i expect the signal also to go through the global delay, as it works on the a4, but that does not happen. Instead mangling the first parameter of the reverb does nothing. What did i miss?

Okay, just to make it clear: The DVOL Parameter of the global reverb controlls how much of the global delay’s output is routed into the global reverb.

Not the other way around.