Reverse Encoder modifier mode?

Is there a way to reverse the way the buttons work on the Heat? When using it in a studio environment i feel that it would make more sense that you could sweep the parameters in big steps when turning the knob, and in fine increments when holding down the knob and turning, instead of the how it is now.
Could it be implemented via software?
Anyone else feel this way?

Thats the Elektron way and nature of the beast unfortunately.
Actually one of my biggest dislikes as i hardly ever use the fine tune mode, so having to hold down knob for any tweak gets tiring pretty quickly.
Always cracks me up when I see dudes like Cenk tweaking an Elektron, fingers spinnin a knob a million revs a minute, with hardly a change to the sound.
Cenk gotta have some some RSI by now. Send Elektron the physio bill :grinning:

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Is this seriously still a thing? My number one UI grievance on Analog Keys is lack of default ‘normal’ knob response option. I dunno why Elektron are so insistent on keeping this as a thing. No other companies seem to have followed suit and stolen the idea, IMHO because it ‘feels’ detached/fiddly/unexpressive. For example the Depth knob response curve on LFO page on AK is a nightmare, insanely ‘fine’ as default. Sort it out Elektron. Normal response curve options in settings across all boxes please!

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