"Rhubarb" with drums

I know this is Blasphemy but I remade Aphex Twins Rhubarb with drums. Sorry! Ha ha…
Anyway it was vey relaxing and fun.
Analog keys sequences the Pro 3 and Rev 2… Drums all from Analog Rytm.
Straight stereo recording.

Rhubarb with drums:


Sounds great! Could benefit by cutting the drums, though :grinning:

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Ha ha… Yes those dam beats! It was a cold winters rainy day and I must have been going a bit loopy…

Nice job.

Next try making donkey rhubarb without drums


Interesting thought, Dunno… I might have to add a bit of Saxophone to compensate…!

Dammit I thought you meant the old TV show. I was all excited.

When I was 13 I wanted a Psycho Stick but got a Shredder instead :crying_cat_face:

I hardly skate now but I skated the hell out of my Original Psycho Stick back in the day… It was my first skateboard!
Nice that they reissue them now for us oldies to have as nostalgic wall art!

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There is a patch for quantum for rhubarb that sounds almost identical to the original.

Yea, much better than paying $500 or whatever for an original.

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Wait ill ya hear my funk version!.. LoL