Rhythm Guitar on Syntakt

Hi everyone,

I am a little novice on programming synthetizers, and recently I adcquire my first Elektron box. It is a Syntakt, because I was also looking for a sequencer and drum machine.

So I started to practice with some snes songs and I found one that reproduce a very nice guitar sound. I have tried to reproduce a similar sound with my Syntakt but cannot figure out what kind of machine type, voice type or patch settings I can use. Based on a some research, I think I could do that by using the Dual VCO and a guitar lead patch, but I am not sure, I did not get the sound that I want.

This is the song that I want to cover with my syntakt.

Pokey Means Business - Earthbound

So, my question is:

Is it possible to reproduce an electronic lead guitar with the 2 oscillators of the Syntakt? How can I do that?

Btw, I think the syntakt has only 2 oscillators, is that true?

I know I cannot get the exact sound of a electric guitar because the accustic limitations but think there should be something similar.

Excuse me if I am asking a dumb question, as I said I’m a novice in this topic.

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Hi. Welcome.

Depends on machines.
Analog Cymbal uses maybe 6 oscillators.

For lead guitar I’d rather use SY TONE, maybe SY TOY. Check FM plucked sounds synthesis…

This sounds like a challenge for @Jeanne :grin:



Hello? :stuck_out_tongue:

How to do it:

SY CHORD machine set to fifths ( = guitar power chords).
Overdrive to 127. Explore the wavetables.
For even more distorton, route it to the analog FX block and set that drive to 127 as well.
You can also use the analog FX block filter to make it sound more like a guitar amp, which can also do wonders in this case.
After that, check again the wavetables, which sounds best.

Since I’m not at home, here’s an unrelated snippet where I used this technique, except the fx block filter.
Actually all those sounds are SY CHORD.


I’ve been playing around with the DVCO machine and looking for distortion and sweet spots. There are quite a few, but my favorite for high distorted guitar sounds is triangle/sawsine where the triangle mimics distorted overtone, modulating balance:


Thanks for your reply. Yes, as you noticed, it is a rhythm guitar. I haven’t explored the SY CHORD yet, I will try :slight_smile:

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Oops, that is a rhythm guitar, Jeanne’s right, and I should have clicked through. Won’t get it perfect, but here’s another variation, saws detuned 16 on ring mod, bonus it’s your song…


nit pick that sounds like General Midi Sound 82, not 30 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


:rofl: I was on a lead guitar. Probably the most realistic ever made :


With SY BIT fifth rhythmic…so cheesy. Sorry Jimi…


@sezare56 not sure you loose because it sounds 1000x better than general midi or you won because it sounds 1000x better than general midi :stuck_out_tongue:

(i vote: thread winner!)


Yeah, that rules!

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