Rhythm Modulation with LFO

I found an interesting way to build a whole drum track with just one patch and modulating it with the lfo, with 4 different “soundings” in one bar. The lfo makes, that some times the drum sounds deeper, then higher, in one bar: deep-high-deep-high. This way one could save a track for fitting instrument settings, maybe.

Rst: unset

Wav: triangle
Mul: x8
Dst: SHPE (depends on your sound)
Dep: -30 (depends also on your sound

I built some kind of frame drum, you could try the above idea with it:

Machine: Perc
Pitch: 0
Decay: 35
Color: 22
Shape: 127
Sweep: 127
Contour: 80
LFO-Speed: 48 (default)

The only issue I have not yet fixed: Because of not resetting the lfo with each tone, I have no influence on, when the lfo is up or down in it’s curve. It depends on the devices internal clock. When the tick is blinking, each four ticks you get the same result, but you don’t know, when to start. There is nothing like an lfo reset on play – unfortunately.

This technic may work with making use of the filter on the MS also.