Ricky 'Overbridge' Tinez


This made me reach under my Digitakt, feel the screw holes and go “Whaaaaa?”

Today I learned :astonished:


I like this guy’s videos a great deal but this one was unusually sloppy…


Yes I think all that chaos and confusion getting the DAW working is a great example of why people want to stop using a DAW.


Right! Plus 15 mins to get to the actual point :sweat_smile:


Lol this video was odd. I’ve honestly not had issues with OB on windows. But there’s alot here who complain about stability/not loading etc. This video I guess explains everyone’s frustrations:p

Solution- don’t support child slavers Apple? :smiley:


I learned the digitakt has vesa mounting which I’ll never use…and I had to relive the experience of getting overbridge set up. But I was reminded why I use windows. Overall, I like it when he just does jams :grin:

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This video demonstrates what a disaster Overbridge is for Mac users. It’s a total mess.


I thought it was a good video, showcasing the issues OB has with certain operating systems, even if that was not the intent of the video.

To me, Elektron should throw a bunch of manpower at this thing, and license it out to other companies. It really is a great concept, of having all that available as a plugin, instead of taking over as your sound card or as an aggregate. I do agree with Ricky that it is a revolutionary thing, and I hope to see it developed properly.


This made me realize how much I take for granted being a PC guy. I very been using OB problem free for over a year now. Just tonight I was utilizing Heats OB connection, and was able to dial in my settings without even having to take the Desksaver off. OB really is well thought out and the UI is great, excluding all the problems experienced in the past and by others.
The only thing I’ve ever been jealous of (and seriously I could care less about getting in a passing match over Macs vs PC vs Linux you do you)the MAC OS allows aggregate sound sources. As far as I know Windows doesn’t roll with that. I really don’t know how Apple just keeps on pumping out new firmware and devices with so many flaws and omissions. Its like they don’t hold any user study groups. It just makes me upset when companies do act this way.
This video did remind me to pick up some Vesa mounts for my monitors and various gear. I think the Nord Drum also has Vesa mounting capabilities too.

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I’ve also got my DT mounted on a monitor pole attached to my desk. It’s a pretty brilliant little option they included on the DT/DN.

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I’ve had zero no issues since private beta.


As much as I can appreciate Tinez , he’s one of my favourites, I never want to end up in a place where highlights of my latest content is that I’m using a grip something to push my Digitakt around and struggle with OS issues so bad, it becomes part of the feature idea. That is just one notch too far away from what making music is, to me.

But I don’t mean that in a provocative way, I always appreciate what Tinez is doing and just watching and listening to his stuff is enjoyable enough, almost no matter what he’s up to. It’s just an observation on an artist who’s usually very much about his jams and creative process, unless there’s a subtle point there that stuff can get in the way of that process when you forget why you’re spending time on this in the first place.


Or was it?! :wink:

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It’s not Apple’s fault overbridge is flaky :shushing_face:


I didn’t say that at all. I’m talking about Apples whole business model post Jobs. Get out of here with your :shushing_face: nonsense.


Works great for me on windows and has for a long time.
Mac completely changing everything obviously causes problems for a lot of software


I had some issues with OB and didn’t apply it again since then but who knows … as a said before some time ago it would be nice if Elektron will enhance their workspace-environment by implementing a groovy DAW instead of reaching out to others, which will be a bit like conquer the world - quite expensive in development

Part of the reason I do not upgrade often. Still on OS 12.5 and Live9.5… and OB works great.


This video completely encapsulates why I don’t use computers to make music.

Not because it’s cool, not because it’s better, but because, for me, using computers is a pain in the arse and not even a little bit enjoyable.