RIP Andy ‘Fletch’ Fletcher

RIP Fletch……very sad.

I once spent some time chatting with him at his restaurant in Nth London and he was a lovely bloke. Very sad to go so young.


So sad to hear that :sleepy: Such great memories from the concerts I was able to visit in Berlin.

…whaaaaat !?..ooooo nooooooooo…

way too early…another personality on my teenage idols list is gone…can’t compute…
this guy, was looking out for me from my posters on the wall…
what a downer on a second sunday in a row…

Sad, unexpected and far too soon.

This marks an end of an era for me and probably many more who experienced the rise of DM during the 80s and 90s.
One can’t really overestimate the significance of DM for electronic pop and rock music.

Rest in peace Fletch. :musical_keyboard:

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sad news, R.I.P. … :expressionless:

Definitely end of an era, totally and utterly gutted, I really think out of respect dave and Martin will call it a day with depeche, I hope not, so so sad.

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yes so sad! Depeche Mode got me (and I gues many many people more) into electronic music and the sound of synthesizers. At East German radio station DT64 they played a Depeche Mode title of the week and I had a listen every Saturday.

Everything counts in large amounts. Thank you for the music.


Ouch, punch in my memory, what an epic pop electronic time.

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wow, just saw this, DM is one of the reasons i started listening to electronic music…
sad news… :frowning: