RIP Andy ‘Fletch’ Fletcher



Oh man.

This is so sad. R.I.P.

I was on-board with Depeche Mode from Day 1.

Sad news indeed.

Another tragedy.
I don’t have the energy for much more of this…
All the best Fletch x

My favourite band of all time, gutted, RIP Andy


Gutted, been a big big mode fan since 1982, r.i.p fletch, he kept the band together thru hard times.

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This is really sad new. RIP Fletch!! Condolences to his family…

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Firing up the turntable RIP :expressionless:

RIP, Ray Liotta too.


RIP Alan White of Yes


Also if you are on holiday in Tallinn visit

The Depeche Mode bar

I wish I was there now having a pint

Very Sad. RIP.

Grim Reaper got no chill today.

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Feel sick

what? today? oh my

I took the misses (she’s not a big fan) to a DM concert in Köln a couple of years ago and she was like “this is the best show I’ve ever seen!”. Wish I would have seen them more often live…

It’s no good Fletch had to die at such a young age… Rest in peace.

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I cant be considered a huge DM fan, but a few of their songs mean the world to me.

I know it’s cliche but I was super young when Enjoy The Silence came out. It was one of those songs that switched on a light up there. I wish someone had just mentioned the words Moog or Emu to me back then…

I know he and the band itself mean the world to a lot of people. RIP


Got me through tough times early 80s. The Rose Bowl concert and the Anton Corbin video were the highlights for me. A humble modest man. Kept away from drugs unlike Gahan so surprised he went first.