Rk-002 + Digitakt Mono/Poly

Hello dear Elektronauts!

Here are some things I would love to do with my setup [Keystep > rk002 > DT] that I could not yet fully figure out from other threads or YT-Videos and I would love your insights and ideas on it. So here we go :slight_smile:

I want to be able to switch on the fly between playing the DT as a Poly or as a 8voc-Mono Synth.
So far playing 8voc-mono seems only possible by setting all tracks to the same midichannel.
But could the RK002 not be set up in a way that instead of cycling through the channels via polymux it actually sends on all 8 channels at once?

It would be great to be able to change the number of polymux channels on the fly aswell. This works via PC-messages. So I was thinking to actually have a Midibaby or MC6 in the loop, so i could send PC-messages with the push of a button.

It is fun to use 4 polymux channels (or 1+3polymux to be exact) playing on ch1-4 and then set DT-Track to 1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4. But again to change between different setups like this there would either need to be some way of telling the DT to change midi-track settings to the desired layout, or to find a different solution via the rk-002.
So if 1) is possible it should also be possible to keep DT midi tracks set to ch1-8 but have the rk002 somehow send note1 -> ch1/2, note2 -> ch3/4, etc.

Does that work at all or is there something in the way that the rk-002 works which doesn’t permit it?

I just love the versatility of the DT in my setup and if this could be done, I could really do everything with it at the same time…sick! :smiley:

This is my very first post here but I am following this Forum for a while already and love the community! So I am excited and nervous about putting my question out there and curious what you folks have to say :slight_smile: