RME UCX with Overbridge

Hi all.

Purchased a new UCX. I have it all plugged in and working with my Alesis AI3. Have 16 lovely analogue channels to work running into Ableton live.

The problem is that I can not get Elektron Overbridge to work with the UCX.

Elektron Rytm 1.22B
Overbridge 1.10
Windows 7
Ableton Live

It was working before I plugged in and loaded the RME.

Now windows 7 seems to recognize the first two channels of the Elektron Rytm as an audio recording device.

To hear the audio of the USB plugged in Elektron I have to change the settings in Sound devises - Recording - Go the properties of the elektron - go to ‘listen’ - select listen to this devise, and choose RME UCX as the playback device.

It’s not running through “Overbridge”. I can turn the channels off on Overbridge and nothing changes. I can just hear the two channels.

Anybody had similar problems and know a workaround? Or can help me in any way.


I just answered my own question.

For some reason I had to uninstall Overbridge and install it again.

I then ran Ableton and used the UCX as the main ASIO source. Then I did the typical overbridge with ableton routine of adding a midi channel and insert the overbridge plugin and then there you have it.

The old turn your computer off and on again, but in software terms.
