Roland Aira Compact Mix In

Hey, anyone have experience with the “Mix In” jack on the Aira Compacts?

They all have it so I assume it works the same across the line, but in case it matters I am mostly interested in the S-1. The Mix In option seems like it could be a great way to combine with other portable gear, but the user manual for the S-1 doesn’t have anything to say about it other than… it gets mixed in.


  1. Any way to control the mix?
  2. Does it go to the USB Audio output?
  3. If so, then as separate channels or just mixed down with the synth?

On the T8, J6 the audio ins volume is governed by the source volume BUT that audio does not get passed through the usb audio for recording!
This is frustrating and limiting since you can’t just daisy chain them together and record it all via usb to your phone.
I’d wager that’s why it’s not mentioned in the manual, the classic Roland omissionitis :roll_eyes:
Maybe they have an aggregate device in the compact pipeline?

That being said I personally feel the ‘Rolcas’ are the most fun thing released in years and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them…