Roland AIRA Compact Series: T-8 beat, J-6 chord & E-4 voice

«it doesn’t take CC currently» is what he exactly said, so this might change someday with some firmware update, i suspect.

These look great, sound great, but I find them a bit on the pricier side.
Also I’m not the target audience for these. But that chord thingie sounds nice and the vocoder is clean too.

Obviously they look much much better than Volcas.

I’d be curious if they release a Volca Sample contender… that would spark my interest :smiley:

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that’s the whole point of this line, i would say.

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This! Or never! :wink:

Because there is not even a minor CC implementation at launch I wouldn’t buy with the hope of getting one ever.



It’s great to see affordable ranges like this that may tempt a few 'in the box people in to the hardware world. Nice one Roland!

Too bad I just bought a $1k groovebox aka Syntakt

The T8 looks fun though

Holy crap, the E-4 looks amazeballs. Having the looper after the VT section but before the Scatter is genius… previously I thought Scatter was a little silly in machines like the TR-8S but on simple sources like vocals, and tempo synced to your project… super useful.

Whinging about midi implementation or Volca comparisons with the other two is missing the point IMO. These are designed to be simple and fun, and are unique products at the price point.


T-8 for me… Roland TR drums plus bass from the TB-303…perfect battery powered one box combo- all I need for hours of fun outdoors and cheap enough to to be too concerned about it getting beer on it :slight_smile:


Great to see they are ACB based. Also thumbs-up for internal rechargeable batteries.


E4 looks interesting. Would I need a preamp to get a warm enough signal? Input is a mini jack I suppose?

If these have the full midi implementation of their other ACB brethren, thats going to be pretty awesome.

If I were starting out, I’d snap these up in a heart beat.

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A 1/4inch jack: output is mini-jack though

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I’m psyched for these. I feel like a the MC-101 (which I love) crammed in features at the expense of fun. And fair enough. Its goal was to be as powerful as a full 707 in a portable package.

It’s nice to see them come back with some pocket gear balanced in the other direction — these are clearly fun at the expense of features (though there are still a surprising number of features for all that e.g. sidechain for ducking or gating in the T-8).

Also, and this is just my opinion, but this is exactly what the AIRA line needed. A little rounded corners and whimsy to balance all those sharp angles and SuperProAcidGreen.


And do you think a preamp would be necessary for using it with a standard Shure SM58 mic?

Also not sure whether you have to decide for one effect or could combine Reverb + Delay for example?

Looks like plenty of gain available in the Sonic State demo.


Yeah, looks like a decision on one time-based effect: reverb, delay, chorus iirc

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i wouldn’t mind even partial MIDI implementation for most important performance parameters.

I can’t believe they dropped the ball on having stereo input on the E-4. There’s not that many MIDI-sync’d loopers, let alone at that size and price range. It would’ve been a great little tool for hardware users (ie. making pattern transitions)