Roland AIRA Compact Series: T-8 beat, J-6 chord & E-4 voice

Finally a 303 in Volca format. Now was that really so damn hard??? And just in time for me to no longer give a shit. Would have loved it 7 years ago.


If you’re expecting honest reviews than wait for the gear to be sold and delivered.
There’s 0% change you get a full unbiased honest review by anyone when companies send their gear.

However, Rachel did her live performance thing and did it absolutely fantastic. :slight_smile:

Finally watched the sonicstate video. I think they are all three really cool and seem to sound very nice. The T8 is a really nice package. Pure Acid on my phone gets very close though probably :upside_down_face:

Best news here. They finally dropped the aira green


It’s funny how the beginner priced stuff rarely has beginner friend user interfaces.

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I like these compacts, toss in bag and carry along to play. Somehow they reminded me of the Yamaha Sonogenic. I think there would be more devices or the greater brethren to these compacts to come.

Please report back here on how you like the e-4!


as someone who uses the VT-4 extensively, am also very interested in this

Yeah, I’m thinking the same thing. Will the MIDI out of the J-6 be sending full note data for the chords, or is it just for MIDI sync?

people who would like it to play a 7th chord ?


Will do like mildew :+1:

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Roland knocked it out of the park with these fun toys.

I dont have any need for any of that whatsoever, but like @Airyck said, they will be perfect for my 2 year old son when he grows up.

So far he likes fiddling on the Deluge and on the Casio SA-46 (portability and built in speaker surely helps)…

Got him to sing in a microphone yesterday and he loved it…

So he got at least a J-6 and a E-4 coming his way in the near future :wink:

Jokes aside, it could be great for quick sketch ideas and quick jams…hopefully Roland has some more cool tiny devices for the rest of the series…


Y’all need to play it cool. My 10-year-old wants nothing to do with synths specifically because that’s “what Dad does.”


I believe I’ll be purchasing that E-4 some time in the relatively near future. Seems like a blast.

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Is it the first time that Roland 303 gets an easy Sequencer?

It’s more or less similar to the TB-3’s sequencer.

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This is Behringer, right? That’s why I’ve specified Roland in my question.

Roland’s TB-3


Behringer is td-3 and td-3 mo

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