Roland Aira USB - Overbridge

Well, would love to buy the new Mixer MX-1 from Roland, but then having channels for AIRA USB Audio - I dont need this — would be great if Elektron devices culd be plugged in with the USB / Overbridge out!!!

I doubt that,

but that would be indeed a killer feature.
Some Hardware Hackers around? :slight_smile:

…sorry, but this will never ever happen…

it’s too completely different planets in protocols and if you think about it for another minute, you’ll get it…all they got in common is the same kind of a whole to put a cable in…

I’d be all over this thing if they’d just included an ADAT input and made the 4 “USB” channels configurable to either host an Aira USB device or one of the ADAT channels.

As it is, every USB channel you don’t hang an Aira device off of is wasted physical real estate and a wasted channel. I guess it makes sense from a system lock-in perspective, but it really limits the appeal of it to the rest of the market.

I might get it anyway, though, because it’s a genius idea to essentially put Sugar Bytes Effectrix into a hardware mixer, even if it’s twice as big as any 6-input analog mixer ought to ever need to be.

One can only hope that someday Elektron will do their own take on the concept, only more advanced with multiple effect tracks, p-locks, etc.

Anyway, what if Elektron wanted to make their own mixer box…? :wink:

One could argue it’s called the Octatrack…

People have been saying for a while that an Elektron digital hub would be an amazing addition to the collection and to outboard gear in general. Overbridge tech would make it quite feasible - maybe this is the delay?
Imagine combining all of the sequencers into one box with a digital recording capability and FX?

One could argue it’s called the Octatrack…[/quote]
I have wet dreams about the Octatrack dating a Behringer X-32. I´ve usually woken up when their spawn unleashes, after they´ve mated, but I´ve seen glimpses…


I think something like an Overbridge master-hub super-sequencer effects-mixer type device is a fairly obvious direction IF overbridge is as successful as we all hope, because its gonna need more than 2 or 3 devices to support