Roland Boutique Leaked (JP-08/JU-06/JX-03)

Really??? That sucks… I took it as a given that the midi would be really thorough on these. How can roland offer less midi control in these boxes than in a volca keys?? Lame…

Really??? That sucks… I took it as a given that the midi would be really thorough on these. How can roland offer less midi control in these boxes than in a volca keys?? Lame… [/quote]
It is seriously crippled, and uniquely so.
The Aira series offers a wealth of CC# control, send and receive. Also, sysex.
It’s as if the Boutique series’ midi has been hacked off at the knees.

i hope they sort this out, as you mention the aira boxes spit out lots of cc stuff, i expect these will be fixed…

ive got the juno ordered.

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There has to be data sent through MIDI from any of the parameters because one unit can control another unit as per the stated specs. This data is probably sysex because the MIDI spec sheet only has a few standard CC’s available.

The main issue will be how much sysex data can be automated from your DAW before there are buffer overflows. I expect since these are new machines they can handle more data before any issues.

I’ve heard Live has issues with sysex but I use Logic and it has no problems.

That’s what finally turned me off from these. I find it unfathomable that a new digital synth in 2015 would have midi specs from 1985. Getting the Kiwi 106 upgrade for my Juno became a much more attractive option as a result, or maybe the Midi Club controller for my Alpha Juno so I can send CCs from my Elektrons.
I could understand if they had an all analog signal path without any digital control, but these are fully digital. If Roland wanted to bring these synths into the future, they totally missed the memo about midi.

What bothers me is that they use the skin of the analogs - put in a VA plugin - and hope that people will fall for it. To me it’s just fake …
I notice there’s allready a buch of aria -systems on the second-hand market …
Probably because this are fantastic instruments :wink:
but they are really good at marketing … the whole new aria-line is supposed to sound just as real analogs - I didn’t even wanted to try them out - but if they where any good - poeple wouldn’t sell them so fast all over the net.
These are VA plugins in hardware disguise !
I wasn’t wayting for so long to buy some hardware virtual analogs. Midi cc’s or not - for shure not the offspring of the aria -line.
I don’t give a damn about some Japanese freaks who want to reinvent the Wheel but in a worse version.
Luckely Korg chose another direction with the new versions of vintage analogs.
If you want quality - you need to pay for it - cheap stuff isn’t cheap for no reason. digital is cheap to manifacture these days , I think the analog stuff is another story…

What does nationality have to do with it? You realise Korg is a Japanese company too, right?

Came here to discuss the same deal-breaker but you guys are already on top of that I see.

Mind boggling omission, really… I cant figure it out.

I am thinking they might become Aira plug-outs after the “limited edition” of these desktop units are sold out. Its the same ACB technology, after all. Also, same 4-voice limit.

Then, they will be CC-able… might even sound better too since the system-1 has 96khz output and these are only 44khz

What does nationality have to do with it? You realise Korg is a Japanese company too, right?[/quote]
Ofcoarse that has nothing to do with it ! And I know Korg is Japanese - witch has no importance … But in their marketing adverts they show some japanese guys in white coats acting concentrated around some gear - like in a toothpaste - advertisement :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Trying to sell us the new generation digital synths who are no different from analogs … if u wanna beleave that :joy:

Dealbreaker for me too. For me, the point of having a compact polysynth is to save space while also being flexible with regard to receiving MIDI CC.

Dealbreaker for me too. For me, the point of having a compact polysynth is to save space while also being flexible with regard to receiving MIDI CC.[/quote]
So sad, but then again it is not like I need any more synthesizers.

i just got the jupiter.

ugh. didn’t do enough research before, because… it never crossed my mind that they would hinder midi.

so that really sucks.

that being said… it sounds amazing.

Crazy, I have Jupiter pre order coming soon and was hoping to plock via the mono-machine

I believe someone from gearsultz has requested an os update from Roland for greater midi cc options

You’ll at least be able to p-lock the mod wheel CC#.
If Roland de-cripples the MIDI via firmware update, I’ll pick one up.

Don’t worry. There will be a solution. Check this out

the synths sound good in the demos ive heard.

cc/sysex isnt a deal breaker for me , i’ll survive… i just wish there wasnt such a big delay in the boxes arriving in the uk.

^ Unless you are Gary Barlow - Roland UK sent him the whole set :astonished:

I predict there will be tons of them used on ebay after Xmas, once Take That fans realise they don’t sound like Gary Barlow :slight_smile:

mine arrives tomorrow according to the email i just got :slight_smile:

uk shipments are going out !!.
i ordered mine from andertons.

Just spotted the JX03 and JU06 on ebay UK, they were not there earlier, I managed to get one of each :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Still a few left if anyone is after them.

Mine arrived today (JX and JU, no JP in UK yet - unless you are in a boyband :dizzy_face: ) having had extensive experience of the originals, at the price these cost there is little to complain about, the sound is close enough for me - and I can be a bit fussy. Certainly the bass is powerful and the handlng is not as bad as you’d think.

I could live without the ribbons and the sequencer (seems a bit clunky to use so far) the poly is not a deal breaker for me, I’m not into power chords or Jump covers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: For techno chords which is IMHO what the Juno and JX are most famous for then they fit the bill perfectly, I like that they are small and can run from batteries, the build quality seems more solid than I expected.

The extra features added to the JX are very nice (more waveforms, more mod options for DCOs) and I think I prefer it to the JU - just, which is the opposite how I feel with the full size vintage versions.

Yeah, they are not going to break new ground, they are however a great way to add those classic sounds easily and cheaply to your setup, my MC-202 and TB-303 and TR-606 do mot have CC implementation either, and I still manage to use them fine :wink: Of course that is not to say a CC update would be useless, but for me not a huge problem as they are fun to tweak by hand anyway.

Very impressed, and I will deffo get the JP as well.

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