Roland TR-06 Boutique


Yeah same as @finalform no issues, same as others, and other gear which uses this type of switch - knowing Roland it is probably a branded part (maybe Alps or C&K) so should be good for years.

It is a bit wobbly, but so are the much older versions of this kind of switch which I have owned for years, but if it is really loose Iā€™d say get an exchange.

So, surprisingly, Iā€™m considering returning mine.

There are just a few things that make it slightly frustrating to use and ultimately what stays on my desk is what gives the least amount of frustration.

The lack of detent or numerical display of the LPF+HPF drive effect has me struggling to use that effect in a way that allows me to get back to neutral. If it had HPF-only option like the TR-6S, this would be less of an issue.

As much as I like the variety of sounds, and am very impressed with the quality of the ACB, the lack of ability to truly pitch the fundamental of the 909 kick (as I am very accustomed to with samplers) rather than how it actually behaves (adjusting the pitch ā€œsweepā€) paints me into corners as I need to be able to pitch my kicks to the key of the tune Iā€™m working on.
The 808 and 606 ACB kicks allow this, and I admit this is not at all the way the TR-909 or TR-09 work.
However, decades of working with samples and wanting my low end to knock in a musical, less doof-doof way has wounded me here.

Also, the 909 sounds are a tease for me. 909 hats are the butter to the 909 kick bread, when I am working with 909 sounds.

Itā€™s all made me go back to the Model Samples, where I can get down with a similar track count, pitch everything wildly, filter+lfo things individually and get full tunes (either techno or electro, where as the 06ā€™s limitations push me more into the electro side) out of a single box.
I think perhaps that I am in a place right now where a dedicated drum machine doesnā€™t make sense, but I just had to try out the TR-06!!, having owned all other 606 variants and woefully weak when it comes to GAS. :expressionless:
Chances are I might just end up with the Roland 606 plug-in for studio electro work, if the lifetime license ever goes on sale, as that sequencer has great polyrhythm capabilities.

I am half considering the TR-6S as a replacement, but the lack of probability is unfortunate there. The smaller size that still has 1/4" outs and normal sized USB jack is appealing. As is the sample playback and FM synths. But I worry that it may take my focus from the things I am most productive with and can easily be adapted into a live set: Model Samples into the Octatrack.

TLDR: total 606 nut but my Elektrons still rule.


Totally understandable, I think the Boutiques make most sense when using a few together, if I was ITB though Iā€™d probably be just as happy with the cloud versions, I guess for performance is where Iā€™d miss them, but if you have that side covered with other gear then it makes less sense to keep it.

For me I donā€™t really need kits on this, Iā€™ll just dial in a kit I like and use it for a few projects - bit lazy, but also convenient when wanting uniformity :slight_smile:


Does anyone use a boutique as kind of a ā€žsoundcardā€œ sometimes, or is it too strange? Some weeks ago i got the ju-06 used, and it was quite ā€ž interestingā€œ and a surprise to suddenly hear the sound of the whole daw( bitwig) out of the ā€žhifiā€œ boutique speaker after installing the driver. So with headphones one has a compact synth with direct values control inside the (laptop)daw (ok,just audio and some midi cc) also without the cloud thing . But i never read anyone is doing this, too strange, bad quality or other reasons?

Yeah it slides back and forth with barely any resistance, doesnā€™t feel right. Iā€™m getting another, thanks for the feedback.

About to pull the trigger in this. Only apparent bummer is not being able to change effect type via cc. Iā€™ll be using the Octatrackā€™s cc to ā€˜saveā€™ kits but it wouldā€™ve been nice to automate a filter sweep then change to a delay without touching the 06. Can someone explain how these fx work, just one effect at a time yeah?

Finally got mine today!

First impressions: it sounds amazing. The benefit of seeing analog purists complaining about it being a ā€œVST in a boxā€ means that when I turned it on and plugged headphones in I was legitimately surprised by how good the sound is. The sound shaping and alternate sounds are a great addition, and hardly as much of a burden to activate/modify as I expected. The menu diving is actually not too bad.

However, I definitely agree that it would benefit from kits! Even kit per pattern would be great. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d need it before, but the fact that you can enable a clap/rim sound on 3 different tracks and pitch them all differently, would make it so much better if it could be saved into a preset somehow. Having said that though, I bought this as a live tweaking box, and not something to spend hours meticulously programming, so maybe having it all on the fly is a benefit.

I think Iā€™m gonna take it to the park tomorrow with the TB03 and have a simple Universal Indicator inspired jam :metal:

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Surprised no one has done a 06 / 8S 606 sound comparion yet. The 8S does everything the 606 can do, with addition of kit saving.
No probability though.

I donā€™t want the 8S though :man_shrugging:

Iā€™d like to hear that comparison, though. :upside_down_face:


The world has live so long without probability and many songs have been written too.

I chose the simplicity (less features) of the 06 against the 8s. I felt like it would allow me more focus this way. The 8s has more stuff, but I donā€™t particularly want some of it. Also, it was the probability plus triggers that made the 06 more appealing to me. That and I really like how it looks.

I have to admit though, kits would be a good addition. I donā€™t NEED them, but it would actually be a bonus on this machine

It would be interesting to see if the 606 acb sounds on both were different though.

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Iā€™m a sucker for 606 sounds, so if any of you wants to do a quick comparison, that would be highly appreciated!
Maybe someone exchanged the 8S for a 06 and briefly tried a 6s and you still have recordings of all of them for a comparison? Doesnā€™t have to be a fancy comparison video!

They are.

The TR-06 development team made a new version of the ACB based on a different reference machine.

Also, I had an 8S and now have an 06 and they clearly sound different (in their default un-tweaked states).

All this information is already in this thread.


Ah, see I had read the engineers comments but didnā€™t know if anyone like yourself had commented from having had both.

Same. Also the multiple trigger outs (8S has only one) for cross patching fun with my Pro-1 and Matriarch

This is not entirely correct. Any of the outputs can be assigned as a trigger out (aside from main outs). Whatā€™s cool is that in this mode you can use the fader to activate / deactivate the triggers, which can be a fun performative tool.


Ah right, I missed the AssignableOuts section of the spec page.

I still feel I made the right call for me though.

No worries, unfortunately my ownership of the 8S did not overlap with the 06, otherwise the first thing Iā€™d have done would have been an A/B demo!