Roland TR-06 Boutique

I reckon some right angle 3.5mm plugs might also help.

Yeah my first thought was a Tendrils cable.

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Just tune your songs to the 909 kick like a normal person :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wonder if this works with boutiques for power and usb midi/audio

Would save the micro USB port

It will work ok for power, but not data, so no audio or midi. It only has the +5v and ground connected.

Ah shame. Do you know of any mag lock cables suitable for boutiques?

No I think they all only do power, but I might be wrong.

The new TR06 sounds fantastic.

I give it a pretty good work out here.

0:25 - on


Their website says they do data transmission too. The FAQ has:

Do your cables support data transmission?

Yes, our next generation cables now include the ability to charger, and transfer data at the same time.
Easily backup your phone, transfer files, photos, music, using the world’s coolest magnetic charger

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Ah, I stand corrected, I only looked at the top part of the page, the pictures show a connector with only 2 rings, and it only mentions charging, but then further down it does mention data and shows a connector with more rings.

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Yeah, looks like they’ve upgraded the cables and not replaced their top photos.

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Lots of other editors on the page too


wow, kits!


Good find @re5et lots of handy looking stuff there :+1:

Yes, seriously good find!
Makes me mildly regretful for sending back my TR-06. But a couple features absent in that editor would for sure make me get it back:

  1. If I could run it on an iPhone for kit loading/swapping live over USB.
  2. If it would also allow changing of the alternate sounds, as it appears it does not.

I know, I know, just get a TR-6S…


I’ve been looking at one of these. They look great but I’m worried that there is quite a bit of menu diving. How is it in practice?

Not bad in practice. Pretty speedy, considering. Was certainly not a gripe when I had mine.
Plus most of the under the hood stuff is set-and-forget anyway.


So one of the things I really like about the SH01a is that in a pinch you can use it to convert Midi to CV.

I was a little disappointed to find that you cant do the same with the TR06 :(. i feel like tahts something they could fix in a future update though

Why would anyone buy the roland when there is the behringer?
Wondering. .

Myriad reasons.
Look at all the sounds the TR-06 is capable of and you’ll see why. USB audio, FX, plus way more sequencer tricks, etc etc, the list goes on and on. All of which have been discussed above. Search the thread for “behringer” for established findings.