Roland TR-6S

What is that website though? I’m not finding anything about an editor in the Roland Cloud Manager or on

It appears to be a ‘user acceptance test’ website for upcoming changes to the main Roland site. Check the sp404 mk2 thread (linked above) for the latest verification from elektronauts detectives. E.g.


Probably pre-production site for roland. Just my guess though, we’ll see on the 19th.

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Is there a way to change level per step within one track? e.g., half volume on every other 16th not closed hat?

On the 8s, you can hold shift while you select your step, to create a half velocity step. I suspect it’s the same on the 6s.

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Right. There is a ‘weak step’ option. But is there a way to dial in level in a more precise way, step to step?

Yup. Hold the step, then press utility (it’s flashing) to scroll over to velocity.

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Awesome. Thank you!

New TR-6S firmware version v1.03

  • Functionality Improvement
  • EXT IN can now be input via USB audio.

Yay for bug fixes. I hope Roland keeps supporting the TR6S, I love this thing.

I’m thinking about purchasing a 6S, and I wondered if each instrument could be triggered using separate midi channels?

For example:


I’ve looked in the manual but couldn’t see this as an option.

I guess no, but you can trigger midi notes. I’ll have to try that, the TR6S can be used as a DAW controller according to the manual.

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I’m really hoping for an update that adds probabilities for trigs, I love this box but the lack of it is really screaming now that the tr06 and mc101 supports it. Not holding my breath though, knowing Roland but I might get surprised…

The 8s has gotten some pretty great updates, especially the FM engine. The 101/707 have gotten decent updates as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue to add new features/improvements.

GASing a little over this drum sequencer. I’m looking for something portable that I can use to sketch out song ideas in bed and on the go. I already have an MPC One as my primary music making device, so this would strictly be for the more casual noodling of song and rhythm ideas. The TR-6S looks like a very capable drum sequencer and I love that it’s small and can be powered with a USB power brick or AA batteries.

The intended use case would be to quickly come up with drum loops and maybe even basslines occasionally, and then sample those loops into the MPC One, chopping them up and building full songs around those loops. It would be something I’d mainly keep at my bedside table and pick up instead of the mobile phone when bored. In theory, this would mean more music making and less GASing over stuff on YouTube. :see_no_evil:

On a spec by spec level, the Roland MC-101 looks more competent when it comes to producing fuller tracks, of course, but on the other hand, doesn’t look as immediate and fun to use. Plus, the MC-101 feels like too much overlap with the MPC One to me. I don’t need another device to produce complete songs, what I “need” is something that lets me sketch out ideas outside of the studio environment.

I’ve considered the SP-404 MKII as well, but, having used a Digitakt earlier this year, I’ve come to really appreciate the immediacy of step sequencers and wonder how much use I’d get from a pure sampler and effects box. A (good) step sequencer is about the only thing I miss in the MPC One, aside from portability. Also, like the MC-101, the SP-404 feels like a bit too much overlap with the MPC One and it’s not even that portable (about 2/3rds the bulk of the MPC One). But it’s certainly a contender here.

I also tried and quickly returned a Pocket Operator (PO-133) because it just felt too much like a toy and the sound was awful to my ears. In the end, I want something that sounds good enough on its own that I’d want to use the produced work in a final mix.

I’m also considering the upcoming JD-08 or JX-08, though that is clearly more for melody sketches and sound design, not for making beats. What it shares with the TR-6S is the portability and immediacy with its 2-track step sequencer, and I love that that it charged with usb-c, making it even more universally portable.

I have considered the TR-06 because it looks so darn good and has the randomization and probability features. However, I think I’m ruling that one out based on the limited sound palette - if I’m getting a drum machine, I want something that can produce a wider range of sounds that I like. While it pushes the limits of a TR-606, I would want much more to work with.

Lastly, I have considered and dismissed the idea of Teenage Engineering products for two reasons: 1) they are too much like complete grooveboxes, which I don’t need given my MPC One, and 2) their build quality don’t justify the insane price tags.

Anyway, just sharing my thoughts in case someone might be able to steer me in the right direction through your own experiences. Thanks!

By coincidence, I have just acquired a TR-6S from a fellow Elektronaut, for many of the same reasons. When COVID travel restrictions ease, I will be away from my larger equipment for chunks of time, and need something portable. My thinking with respect to the MC-101 and TE equipment (particularly the POs) is similar. It’s very early days, but so far I like the sound and immediacy. Roland’s documentation, website, and software are less impressive.

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A bit more on the TR-6S, here rather than in the concurrent “bedside device” thread, because that has a broader focus. After another day of use (at the dining table, not in bed), I have more confirmation that this is the right choice for me, versus the MC-101. The list price of that device is $100 more, and that is reflected in used prices as well. But even if I could have gotten the same great deal I did for the MC-101, I don’t think I would have chosen it over the TR-6S. If I want to p-lock sounds per step on four tracks, I already have the Digitone Keys and A4. The MC-101 can do more, but I doubt I’d do most of it more than once. And the TR-6S is quite good at what it can do. The ACB sounds are impressive (I have no particular nostalgia for x0x). The sample playback is good (I might put a few user samples on it but I doubt I’ll do a lot). I’m underwhelmed by the FM sounds but I’ll try tweaking the parameters on some of them. I found it pretty easy to get something hypnotic going and mess with it. After dealing with Roland Cloud to get the firmware upgraded and install the TR Editor, I’m quite happy to not have to mess with Zenology or try to deal with any more presets.


Try the FM sound “Simple Kick”. It’s so good. Make sure to assign morph to the ctrl knob. Play with the decay as well. It just might be my favourite thing about the 6s/8s.


Thanks for the tip! Yes, there is some depth there. I’m going to have to go through all the FM sounds and see what Morph does.