Roland TR-8 like Scatter mode or comparable for the Elektron Analog RYTM? Is the AR inspiring at all?

Keep the tr8. I regretted getting rid of mine. You never know what you can do with it later and I hear there is good update out for the tr8 recently. I ended up getting a drumbrute with the intention of running my analog heat for some weird crazy sounds. Just my opinion bro. Run the outs of the tr8 to the ins of other elektrons. Sequence it with other elektrons.

I canā€™t keep up with this thread.
Itā€™s like North Africa in WW2.

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Lmao! OP needs to save up for an AR and keep the custom tr8 or trade it to me for my Drumbrute. Haha!

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If an instruments best asset is Scatter, then I am either worried about the instrument or the user


I donā€™t think scatter is worth the worry for considering another drum machine because they donā€™t have scatter. Like I said earlier, once OP gets the rythmā€¦what scatter.

Rytm Scooper.
Iā€™m not visiting again! :see_no_evil:

In that case get the Finger for Reaktor, or Stutter Edit, or both.

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Are you suggesting that trigless locks, parameter slides, LFOs,
synth/sample layering, and macros are all > Scatter?

Becauseā€¦ yep, pretty much.

Yup. Pretty much this. Lol, he will soon see this, I hope anyway.

No dbeam on the RYTM :unamused:

I think you can hook up the TR-8 to the Elektron gear with a mixer of some type. I was looking at Roland drum machines but decided on an Analog Rytm MKII when they are available.

I have a Rytm and a TR-8. I sometimes consider selling one or the other. I donā€™t like to keep too much gear around. But, I always do the - one more play before listing it for sale - and end up keeping them both. They are just so different.

Sure, you could put all the Roland x0x samples on the Rytm and have all the sounds in one box, but the simple hands-on interface of the TR-8 lends itself to quick mindless jam sessions after work, whereas the Rytm takes a bit more prep and forethought to get something going but the results can far surpass the TR-8 as far as sound design and complexity goes.

Basically, the TR-8 is my after work machine, the Rytm is my weekend machine. I think Iā€™d regret selling either one. Hmmm, actually, Iā€™ve sold a TR-8 and a Rytm before. Bought them both again. yes, I might have some issues. :flushed:

Iā€™d keep that custom TR-8 anyways. Another main reason I think of selling my TR-8 sometimes is simply because it is so butt ugly, imo. You donā€™t even have to look at the green slime!

TR8 all controls on deck.

Rytm. Button pushing but far deeper

I like the TR8 for immediacy, you can punch out a beat super quickā€¦ another thing I like is using the individual outs, because the scatter and effects only effect the master outputs you can route, say your kick and toms, to separate outs and have all your hats and snares on the master channel, that way you can actually dial in some cool scatter patterns on only the hats etc and make some really interesting and unique sounds, then use your kick and toms (or whatever set up youā€™d like) to create the backbone to your beats. Iā€™ve made some awesome crunchy techno hats using this method, then with a kick send individually through outboard effects or into Ableton and get serious sculpting out your sounds just the way you like themā€¦

So I guess what I am saying, on face value the TR8 is pretty basic, but with some creative routing and effects use, you can create some really unique stuffā€¦


the scooper mangels much more than the internalt tr8 effect, believe me. only problem it is pretty uncontrollable but funny

I too would keep the TR8. Previously I gigged in one project with a duo of TR606 + rytm, the two worked well together. Its nice to have two sequencers running, easier to transition into and out from things. Now Iā€™m only using the rytm, for simplicity of setup, and I often wish I had a ā€œsidecarā€ drum machineā€¦ You could use the TR8 to add embellishments to your rytm beats, or just mix and match sounds between the two machines for more tonal variety.

At the very lest, try them together before selling the TR8


hi guys//

i know this thread is as dead as it can be and we probably discussed most of the differences and opinions on both of the machines.
here is the update:

anyway, i bought a used rytm last month, tried them both together, decided to sell my custom tr-8, got a good price so it almost paid for the rytm.

sampled legowelts 808 into the rytm, thats more than enough for my tr-needs. syncs perfectly to my octatrack, sounddesign possibilites are endless. didnā€™t miss the tr-8 yet. am happy now.

thanks guys for this mess of a discussion but from my perspective, equipment decisions are always a emotional thing for me so i am happy how this thread turned out.

thanks again and /closed!



If you love 808s do check out justin valerā€™s AR808:

Contains an 808 kit made with 100% rytm synthesis, no samples! Combining those with 808 samples oughta be good :cb:

AR808 is the biggest reason why I havenā€™t preordered the TR-08 boutique