Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

I preordered yesterday. Will sell my TR-8 which I love and is probably the only piece of gear I haven’t swapped out since 4 years ago (along with MX-1) when it was released.

To be honest I will probably still sequence from my Engine as that has Song mode, plus someone said the TR-8S still changes kits when recieving PC’s rather than patterns. The main upgrade for me is the effects ( I don’t have the inputs, space or gear to use external effects so having them built in is great for me).

Don’t think my DT could be replaced by this as I bought it primarily for sampling my synths. I will be probably use the TR-8S for all my drum samples and one shots, and then the DT for sampling my synths (as well as the TR-8S!) and playing/mangling loops.

EDIT: Recieved my TR-8S and discovered you can send Program Changes to change both the Pattern and the Kit!


its about price points, people want lots of things but in the end will only pay up to a certain amount for various reasons. Korg is the master at hitting the right price.

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Yes. Same thoughts.

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Definitely not, although if people bought Digitakt purely as a drum computer as it is described, then the TR-8s beats it on most fronts for that role. However as most people are aware the Digitakt is more than a drum computer (and to be blunt, not a particularly impressive one) but more like a little multi purpose fast and easy sampling groovebox/midi sequencer.


Roland have some way to go - all the ‘explaining’ videos are presented by men

don’t forget the name… Roland

It should be betty …

and if you don’t get it: s a r c a s m

omg… please


That aside, I would love to hear some thoughts from the artists in the videos regarding their performances and the box in general. Would have been very interesting; maybe this is still to come?


I think it’s safe to assume the TR-8s will sound at least as accurate as it’s predecessors. I recently saw that Frank Wiedemann from Âme is travelling with a TR-8. If it’s good enough for the likes of him it’ll be good enough for me.


I don’t know what this means, but it would make a hell of an album title.


It is confirmed that the ACB models from the boutique TR-08 and TR-09 are used, and those are excellent, as a former owner of many examples of the original machines I have no desire to get hold of the originals since owning the boutiques. Funny that a lot of pro artists are using the airas and boutiques, making records and touring with them, but for Dave from Clacton only the originals will do :rofl:


Dave from Clacton is a purist mate… a purists purist. :wink: He’s probably railing “F*CK THESE PLASTIC ACB TOYS & GIVE US ANALOGUE NOW!” over on Gearslutz right now…

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Yeah he’s pretty hardcore, no way does he want some daft bird demoing his drum machine either :rofl:


In a way I can understand the longing to own or hold on to something that connects us to what we believe was a better time. Only most of the time it really wasn’t.

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The originals are awesome no doubt, but for modern use the new ones are better in practical terms. I still have some vintage stuff, but day to day they do not see the use that the modern gear does, I suppose in a way it is analogous to owning a classic car - nice to take out on the occasional summers day but when you’re driving to work the modern car is more suitable.


Very cool.

I guess even Robin gets something wrong once in a while. :wink:

Any good electronic music artists from Australia you recommend? Virtually every artist I hear of is from the UK, Sweden, Germany, and the US. Or is gear too expensive there to produce music?

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And… ordered. GAS resolved. Now I can go back to making music.

Ordered one, too. Thomann say it’ll be April until I get it, but I don’t mind.

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Ditto. Also, I ordered the DN there and it came sooner than what they expected.

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Probably for Jeff Mills too :wink:

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