Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

No, it says on the webpage that there is AIRA Link as well. You’re sorted! :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it’s hands on like nothing else indeed

totally agree re SD card Daren - totally my preferred way to work.

Roland have absolutely knocked this one out the park all round I’d say.

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This supports my opinion that proprietary system are only supported as long as the developer cares about it and a large user base is spending money for it. An analog trigger out, TRS outs, a standard midi connection and an SD card for samples are much better than a system that only works with a handful other devices.


I was mistaken as @Prinzabu said it is mentioned on the product page. Aira link whilst not something that is very interesting on a single device is extremely useful once you have multiple devices. The page also alludes to possibly more Aira link hosts in the future, I hope so as one cable for audio, midi and power is not only extremely convenient but it saves money and time, troubleshooting and tidiness, but most of all swapping gear out is hassle free.

An extremely attractive machine with easy UI workflow, at less than half the price of my ARMkII!
No onboard sampling, and much too small sample space, but still great as it is.

Elektron better get their their Overbridge job done fast!
This is their only hope, that many users like me rather buy an additional TR8s, instead of just completely switching boat to something, which they can integrate into their recording workflow fast and easy.

Strong competition for sure, and no more grace time left for Elektron, to shock users with the incredible impertinence of meanwhile altogether missing (even rough) release dates for Overbridge!!! I must admit, I enjoy Elektron being red-flagged by this, looking at their unacceptable Overbridge handling and communication behavior.


And here I go, ranting in another post that I’m done with Elektron and blah blah blah, and Roland goes “Hey, get that guy before he leaves”, and just throws this at me.

Store tells me I’m first in line for this. I’m telling them, I’m camping outside even so. Bring me hot chocolate and sandwiches, and I’ll prep my samples in a tent while waiting.


I have to admit. This looks reall tempting.

Edit: Not the look :wink:

Kingston mobilelite wireless will work for dumping samps to the SD card from any iOS device. Hmm…

Still, if I think about this feature-wise, only the flam, multiFX and editing-of-pattn-not-playing are stuff I do not have on my rytm mk I. So holding off until the sound Q aspect of this new box has been evaluated in detail. I do admit the superior sample file management of the TR8S makes this a difficult choice. Where is that sample xfer manager for rytm mk I???

I caved.

£609 from Guitar Guitar here in the UK - £60.90 deposit, pre-ordered.


One thing is a headscratcher with this one for sure though? Y 44.1kHz samples? If the box runs internally @ 96kHz? Why not support at least 48k?

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With products like these, Elektron better wake up fast.


I guess it does support 48khz but the number of seconds at 44.1 is more appealing :wink:

I‘d like to swap my old one for the new one. Roland, trade-in please?

Total Recall
The life of a musician can be pretty unpredictable, whether it’s touring mishaps or studio calamities. Take comfort in the fact that every kit, every pattern, and every setting for literally everything can be backed up on an SD card. Just pop it into a fresh TR-8S and you’re back up and running


If Total Recall includes loaded samples too then I think 3 minutes of sampling is going to be adequate for most people considering that A) it will mostly be used for 1-shot samples and B) it already has all the classic Roland ACB models so no need to use sample space for those.

A proper chromatic mode as on AR and DT would have put this over the top, I wonder if midi note to sample pitch is supported or might be in future?


Damn it. I came here for Roland bashing. You guys let me down.


Nah, that was last decade :rofl:

That’s how I feel too. The moment I have enough saved up for a Neve master buss processor someone makes another groovebox…arggggh


Go for the neve sir! Neve stuff is forever, digital toys come and go. Besides, your TR8S will sound even better when you run it through the neve stuff… Once you have gotten em both, that is :loopy: