Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

That’s what’s up! Thanks.

I’m about to die at work cause I just want to go home and play with it some more. Super easy and fun to do stuff.

The pattern/kit bug is a drag, but it’s not like the box is unusable

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Did you run that through UL and CE? :smiley:


It’s funny, I’ve gotten a few grey market Cisco switches, and as such they package them with every known plug format. I always take all the non-US ones and throw them in a box in case I need to build a PSU for someone in Europe (or elsewhere).

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I hate that! There should be a separate type of state-mandated leave for work for people that acquire new gear. “GAS-Leave” perhaps. Luckily my new toy shows up on Saturday (TT-303v2) so I’ll be there to pull it out of the FedEx guy’s hands. :smiley:


mine arrives on friday… right on time for the weekend :heart_eyes:


So how are the effects? Is the reverb nice? Is the master compressor useful?

Just got home. Literally hit play and record I was so pumped to play with this thing. I know these aren’t people’s favorite types of tracks but I’m way into them. I gotta get better at arranging and maybe mixing :slight_smile:


What actually matters is what is fun to make. I used to have a couple of “alter egos” that would make tracks to cater to other people. If I was hanging out with the drum and/or bass crowd I’d make that. Techno people, I’d make that. Granted I love pretty much anything electronic, so it wasn’t like I was betraying my own sensibilities, but I discovered something. I’ll sit down and come up with a set of sounds. I then let those take control and follow the actual sounds until something forms. It could be techno, house, drum+/-bass, weird spacey Berlin, rhythmic Buchla style tape-music-center, or whatever-the-hell-TM and as long as I arrive there naturally, it ended up being a much better track than if I set out to write something specific to get a particular set to appreciate it.

I say if this is what you want to make, do it. By the way, the last few posts using this machine were quite nice!

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That’s what’s up! Thanks man

Also posted on GS

Last couple jams from this evening. I’m done for the night. Super addicting though…

A little spastic, but fun…

I hooked up the Digitone to see if I could work with 2 machines. A little more monotonous, but I think I have an idea of how I can work with both boxes going forward. Curious…I’m still learning this stuff


press up 100 copies onto 10"

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Sounds like a good time to me!
Love how you just pump stuff out and post it. Nice man…
That one makes me wanna get my feet movin… :smiley_cat:

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only managed to spend a total of about an hour on mine since receiving it…

But that was enough time to work out how to edit a kit, save a kit, program a pattern, edit instruments + their FX, edit the master fx, set up reverb / delay sends,
chain pattern variations & use the fill-in feature, record motion stuff in patterns… I’ve also come across stuff like the page for routing stuff to external outputs, though not done it yet.
The editing is sort of old skool : using the edit knob & scrolling on the little display sort of reminds me of editing a JV-1080 or similar… but actually I’m fine with that & it’s all very very clear.
Once the button presses become hard-wired it’s going to be super-fast.

Basically this box is a breeze so far. I really just need to look at sample import, running something into external inputs & just get familiar with the button press / muscle memory /
workflow. But it’s super intuitive. ( I did have a TR-8 a few years ago, so maybe that’s helping ).

More importantly, first impressions are that it sounds brilliant. Stuff like the master FX - overdrive. compressor, split LPF/HPF filters just gets me exactly into the territory I want straight away -
a sound I could never get right on the Rytm. The amount of editing you’ve got on both an instrument, instrument FX & Master FX level is waaaay deeper than I’d been expecting.
If you’re a fan of ACB ( I am ) then this box is a dream, because Roland have given us what was missing from the OG TR-8 : pretty much all the sound shaping you could want.
Then there’s samples to get into…

The little audio ‘pause’ bug isn’t actually a huge concern for me- sometimes it’s barely noticeable. I happen to think Roland will address it. If not, it still won’t kill this box for me : it’s only
going to be an issue for me playing live… where there are obvious workarounds anyway : e.g pattern variation #8 could always be a blank bar, or half bar… etc… I play with other gear synced up
so it’s a case of drop the TR-8S out briefly …& then boom in with the next pattern / kit. I’ll probably have some external FX hooked up to the separate outs too… so my delays / reverbs on some channels
will continue their trails irrespective of what’s happening in the TR-8S.

For studio use it’s not an issue for me as I won’t be changing from within a pattern group - that’ll be a whole tune… #techno

I think this is probably it for me : the ultimate drum machine. :slight_smile:


fellow network engineer here, gotta love Cisco


stop it…im gassin. :wink:

Just picked mine up. It does look slick. I cannot wait to get home and take it for a spin. May it be the last drum machine I ever bought :smile:

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Until the TR8S+ comes out


Thats it when my mum gets back from holiday on sat first question is…can I borrow 600quid off you…pay you back over next 4 months…lol

Yeah, that’s more than likely. At some point there’ll probably be full size TR-08/09s and then resistance will be futile. I’m just glad I didn’t get a TR-08 and I snagged a TR-09 really cheap.

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That’s awesome people are starting to get theirs and enjoy them. It is super fun.

I know I keep posting jams, but that drop out annoys me. Every time I’m like, I want more sounds. Oh wait. I can’t.

What I’d like to see in the future:

Fix the audio drop out
True per step automation
Multiple uses of the CTRL knob - currently if you record automation with it, you’re stuck with it
A folder hierarchy- so you can truly import your own sample folders

What I love: everything else. Especially the fact you can have the fill play every Nth bar. Saves odd finger combos.

It’s a great machine