Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Thanks…that would work for me. Not quite as good as elektrons project system but long as you can backup/restore to card or pc thats good enuf

‘Making music should be fun that is why we make hardware’ used to be the Elektron tagline, and to be truthful back then they pretty much nailed it. The Machinedrum and Monomachine seemed to strike the right balance between features and usability whilst retaining flexibility, to a lesser extent on the usability side but only because the flexibility increased, the Octatrack was a slight departure, the Analog Four was where usability seemed to be less the focus, and the Rytm even less so - on both these machines awkward/clunky performance configuration pages (compared to previous machines) seemed tucked away and a bit of a hassle to set up, IMHO. The Digitakt and Digitone seem to be an attempt at making usability simpler, but at the cost of features rather than a improved UI, performance features have been scaled back to similar to MD/MnM days and features and horsepower have been reduced.

I don’t think this is the whole story though, legacy x0x gear has its status for good reason, distinctive and excellent sounds, reasonably simple sequencing, and narrow focus on specific sounds/pallette. Also when you use say an 808 or 909 it immediately sounds ‘like a record’ I think Roland have been quite clever, by not getting too clever on the new Aira/Boutiques - slightly updated utilising new technology and retaining for the most part what people loved about the originals.

Elektron gear often (but not always) can lack sonic identity due to its flexibility, and sometimes in the case of say the Rytm you can easily spend 10 minutes getting a bass drum sounding good, so the instant gratification just isn’t there as it is on x0x gear. I think this is why sound packs are so popular, and I think in time some of the sounds will go down in history as legacy sounds, in fact to a certain extent the Machinedrum already has in the minimal techno scene.

In summary I like both approaches Roland and Elektron, use a hammer when you need a hammer and a screwdriver when you need a screwdriver, Roland is my hammer, Elektron is my screwdriver, my toolbox needs both :wink:

I don’t think your observation was inflammatory :thup:


I got three questions to the lucky owners:

  1. Is it possible to load sample chains in and to automate the start point?
  2. Is there a sample end or decay setting for the samples?
  3. Is it possible to load prepared looped single cycled waveforms?

Hi, can someone with a unit post the backup contents so I can take a look? Might be worth putting some kind of editor together for this. thx

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I think it does work like that. I tested again last night and I can set per step tune by holding a step and turning the knob under the screen. I never touch tune or ctrl and I don’t assign anything to ctrl. Latest version os 1.02 - have you upgraded.

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You’re doing this with the Tune parameter instead of Coarse Tune, right? You can do this with Tune because that parameter is permanently assigned to the TUNE knob.

However, Tune isn’t very useful for chromatic usage because it has a two octave range distributed over a -128 to +127 parameter range which means that each semitone sits at 10⅔ intervals of the parameter range of the TUNE knob which in turn means you’re only in tune every minor third.

I really hope I am wrong and you are right, however. I can’t test with the actual box right now because I won’t have access to it until Monday. :confused:

You are right it is not using Coarse tune - my only point is that contrary to your op this ability to do “chromatic” steps (not very accurately per the 127 tune setting) is independent of any ctrl setting - so you can both tune the steps and use ctrl for any assignable parameter.

I know it’s a drum machine but if you want to import synth and bass samples I guess it’s limited to how you can create patterns with no cord or chromatic mode is this correct. What about connecting a keyboard how does that work.

My original complaint was that recorded motion is linked to the knobs, not to the underlying parameter.

Having to assign coarse tuning to CTRL and keeping it assigned to CTRL to get chromatic sample playback is just one of the more annoying consequences of that.

I already mentioned using Tune instead of Coarse Tune as well as the issue with that in my comment from two days ago at Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)


Really wow! All the demo’s I’ve heard the synth and bass patterns sound very basic to me.

Coarse tune is in semitones so you can accurately tune your melodic samples. Coarse goes from +24 to -24 in semitones

Tune goes from +128 to -128 in pitch I guess.

Connecting a keyboard wont do anything for melodies or bass. The 8S is on one midi channel and each key on your keyboard triggers a different drum sound. Not the pitch of each drum sound.

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Deal breaker for me, thanks

I think it’s best to think of this as strictly a drum machine as opposed to a groovebox. It’d be nice if it were easier to chromatically pitch things, but at least you can if you really wanted to, and doing things like occasionally altering the pitch of the bass drum or snare is easy enough.


Good observations @darenager

My thoughts exactly. The MD remains the “funnest” Elektron box by far. The OT is a close second, a very close second.

As much as I loved the Analog series, yes, the programming of sounds was just too daunting for me. Plus, I’m not good at it. Giving myself some credit, I’m far better at programming than sound design. My arrangements need some work though.

For me, I like - speed, spontaneity, simple. My inspiration dwindles fast if I get stuck trying to work something out. I end up with a “go-nowhere” loop that goes, nowhere.

But that’s why I’ve been just hitting record lately and posting demo jams. Helps break the loop and motivates me to keep learning. By posting stuff, I can hear what works and what doesn’t. Putting it out in the public realm is really humbling.

I’m not sure what my ultimate goal is. It’d be cool to put something out on a label, but the music that’s out there is just so dam good, it’ll be years before I’m there…


We are splitting hairs now - your POV stands for sure - I’m just saying that you can do sloppy chromatic via tune and still have an independent ctrl assignment for cutoff etc. It would be great if Roland defaulted to Coarse for the per step value knob as a way to get a more satisfying chromatic step entry.

I think a better solution would be for the TUNE knob to work in semitones when working with samples. The other -128 to 128 tuning for the their ACB stuff.

That would truly free one up for melodic stuff and assigning the CTRL to another function.

Unboxed mine… Played for an hour… That thing is so addictive ! Very easy, immediate and fun. And sounds great too. Instant techno maker.

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Now that it’s out in the real world and in the hands of actual non-paid users, anyone care to give a short review on build quality? (maybe there are some up-thread which I have missed?)

The knobs and faders feel pretty decent to me on the original TR-8. Everything is even and consistent tension, which is great. How does the TR-8S knobs and sliders compare?

Does the case feel sturdier than the TR-8 (which is okay, but a little creaky, with some slight give if lifting off the table with one hand)?

Anything amiss about build quality? Anything particularly impressive about build quality?