Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

I wasn’t quick enough with my preorder at sweetwater… looking forward to the second batch delivery though :weary::wink:

Here’s another shot at incorporating some other Roland gear. Tried my hand at the SH01a with the 8S


good video

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hence the “S” in TR-8S. Load your own stuff :wink:

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do more than load your own stuff -sample your own stuff -Street price of DJS-1000 is USD$999 vs TR-8S $599 for just another $400 id rather have the DJS for sure.
With DJS i also get (arguably) best sampling on the market. The TR-8 is too menu driven for sample use for my liking.

yes… “just” $400 :joy:

I don’t think the DJS-1000 is the graal either… it’s basically just a repackaging of the Toraiz SP16 (in a dj-friendly form factor) which has it’s own limitations (like everything) like the low number of scenes.

Get it. You obviously should not get the TR-8S just as a sampler, or when you have no interest in using TR drum voices.

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There it (295.4 KB)

Two files are generated, one is 55mb binary, another is text, with kits and patterns described, not sure why.

Oh… and yes, once zipped it’s that small… I guess the 55mb file is mostly full of zeroes until you fill the unit with user samples. I included two samples in this backup so you can have an example.

thx :smiley:

I had an E2 and sold it with the excuse is it helped fund my purchase of the TR-8S (which I picked up a few days ago).

It’s almost like Korg knows the swung and missed with the E2… No more support, features, or bug fixes. It’s obviously a dead product for them.

So much potential. Honestly the thing I missed the most were faders and individual/assignable outs. I even bought a midi controller to use as a “fader” box, that’s when I discovered that midi via 5 pin input caused the box to freak out and it’s already problematic issue of voice stealing got worse when you moved midi controllers! But only via DIN midi… USB midi worked OK. But then you need a midi box or laptop/ipad to go din to usb, etc. Just became too much trouble! If I have to use my iPad+controller, I’ll just use th eiPad+controller and have more options than the E2 gave! :slight_smile:

Thus, for me, the new TR is just about perfect. It’s as close to perfect for what I want as anything out there at any price.

The Rytm blows it away in terms of raw horsepower and depth and features and functions and overall awesomeness, but after 2 years+ of using it, vs 2 days of using the TR, the TR is more “fun” if that makes any sense…

It’s like cars… I have a souped up BMW that screams and I had a shittly little Miata NA set up as a semi-track car…

On paper the BMW should be the winner… But I kept bringing the Miata to the track… Go figure…


How’d you get that picture of me?


I’m wondering if it’s possible to chain eight bars together and then automate a parameter across all eight bars in one pass. Does that make sense? In the videos it seems like people only automate things within a one bar loop so I can’t help but wonder…

I think so. You can chain variations and pattern and record over them, so I imagine you can do automation

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Just ran across this - video showing a bug caused when 5 faders are moved at the same time. He’s on v. 1.02

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It feels too easy doesn’t it?! I almost feel guilty playing it! :slight_smile:

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Actually, MIDI CC is available for the track knobs. So you can assign CTRL to COURSE(tune) and then map midi note to CC for each track. My guess is that it’s going to take some mapping/fiddling… Have not tested it in real world yet. But it should work.

Hope Roland adds some stuff like midi note input in a future update. Seems like it should be doable.

It’s a little like cheating.