Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Not sure if related to the release of the 8S, but a few DTs have shown up on Seattle Craigslist…all of a sudden

Oh, man. I thought I was done with gear for awhile now.:blush:And here you are, fellow Electribe users, echoing my thoughts, peaking my interest.

But I’m staying firm. I’m sticking with my rig now.:blush:

by the way, even though im not here often, i just want to take a moment and thank everyone for being more community-centric here than on gearslutz


Language! But I agree that the featureset looked a lot better before the TR8s was actually released. Users found a lot of bugs and things that were not thought through by the developers. Anyway, I will get a TR8s as soon as they fix Overbridge!

Can you explain to the rest of us how it is unintuitive?

I played with mine this weekend. Setting up a kit involves quite a bit of menu diving, but once done… oh how great it is ! The ability to record a variation while another one is playing is huge for improvisation.

Very poor of Roland. A Rhythm machine that can’t keep in time.

It can keep time as long as you don’t do a certain thing - see video. Also listen do djadonis’s demos here - seems to work fine for him.

I’m still interested in this thing but don’t feel any pressure to buy now. Roland will release an OS update eventually - hopefully to fix the most glaring problems.

Lets see if they can fix it because timing and keeping in sync is paramount for a sequencer.

Timing and sync work fine.

There’s an audio dropout when you switch patterns with different kits. But I don’t think the timing and sync are affected.

Are you thinking of something else that’s out of time or sync?

See djadonis reply. He uses the thing - better to get knowledge from this actual user, especially if you haven’t touched one yourself.

Your tools are not what differentiate you from others. Very possible to make completely unoriginal and uninspiring music with both the DJS-1000 AND the TR-8S!

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djadonis206-How would you compare the user sample playback quality between TR-8S and DJS-1000. You have both right?Also the summing of user samples —the bus on the DJS-1000 is incredible for summing–thats a real test for samplers. Run 2 loops together and see hoe the internal mix sounds. The thing that is great about the DJS is it sums as good as 2 x SL-1200’s into a DJ mixer —not many if any other samplers can sound as good. If the TR-8S can sum two loops together and sound great ill buy one to compliment the DJS

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The DJS in my opinion is the pinnacle of audio quality. But. My samples in the 8S sound really good too.

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Great to see a solid updated version of the Tr-8.

Would be amazing if Retro Kits put together a patch for their RK-002 midi cable to allow you to play this thing chromatically with a midi keyboard!

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Im in preordered one too test side by side with DJS

Nice that you’re liking the TR-8S although hearing about the pattern gaps and weird timing issues when moving more than 4-5 faders at once definetly makes me think of the limitations found on the E2. Hopefully it is stuff that can be and will be patched. As much as the E2 gets ragged on 24 voices or 12 if you have insert fx going on everything is still a lot to offer… they probably should have just locked it to be 12 voices seeing as basically everyone complains about the voice stealing and then seems to go buy a drummachine that does the E2s lower range of voice count :smile: I get it though it was is and annoying to deal with. Makes the 8 voices on the digitakt feel insanely powerful with the ability to use the sound pool to sound lock. But yea electribe has its own set of other problems also (still think it is a great piece for someone starting out though).

I read this earlier so I decided to use the separate outs on the 8s and go into my octatrack. Let’s just say the 8s alone is fun but separating the channels into the OT and applying lfo’s, octatrack fx’s, and even sample mangling the 8s is craziness! I can even run two channels back through the 8s but I haven’t made it that far yet. I’m glad I’ve kept the octatrack. This is just insane.


Yup. I’m running outs into my mixer. Then routing the ALT 3/4 pits of my mixer back into the external in for sidechaining plus using my mixers EQs.

Pretty flexible set up.

I have a Mackie 1202 VLZ