Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Running the Digitone’s main outs into the TR-8s inputs, and sidechaining everything coming out of the Digitone is my plan. Since everything is so easy to mix on the Digitone, with its second filter, no additional mixer needed for me with this setup.

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This external in conversation inspired me to run some stuff through the Ext In. Also. I’m trying to tone down my spastic style of music.

Firing breaks and builds live is hard…definitely open to suggestions on how to improve


yep, the timing issue,

Oh dear! That’s pretty major, not talking about minor hicckups here… and he’s not even modulating the fader of the audible channel! Clearly some room for code optimization in the firmware, or a different control scan implementation for the faders altogether, are required…

I saw this. Seems bad.

Don’t go throwing 4 or 5 faders up at the same time, I guess.

Good thing my hands aren’t that big or dexterous

Agh, ok ok I guess I’ll wait it out now, I just picked up a mint SP 16 for $740. Been wanting one for quite a while!

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I can´t belive that no one tested the unit before it was released and shipped to retailers. I am glad that I did not preorder, I will wait until these major problems are solved. You just can´t sell something that broken in 2018.

All boxes have bugs…part of the game.

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at least this one can save its content :joy:


i’m afraid there are probably smaller timing issues (not so obvious) when only using one fader. You want the sequencer to be rock solid.

totally agree. It’s a massive issue! How can you ship it like this?

big bug

Can’t say I’ve noticed

ditto. I don’t have flying fingers though.

i bet they’ll get these issues sorted, it just seems that when Roland promotes the TR8s’ power, in the form of directness, fun, and immediacy they should add in “but don’t throw more than four faders at once until the next update” just to be real about things. I’d actually respect that type of honesty because well all talk on forums anyway lol.

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Well good that you are OK with it :slight_smile: I couldn’t work with a sequencer that doesn’t have rock solid timing. I will wait and see, I still have Tempest trauma.

Your Soundcloud tracks speak for themselves. Haven’t heard any timing issues in any of those tracks.

Let he who has heard timing issues on any of those track post the name of the track and exactly where on the timeline the timing issue occurs


There is something seriously wrong with the 808 Bass2 on the TR-8S. Can others confirm?

Set all BD param knobs at 12 o’clock. Set a 4/4 kick pattern. Now turn the Decay knob to 100%. You might be able to clear fluctuations now in the volume of each hit. Now turn the Tune knob to it’s minimum setting. It gets way worse right? It seems to settle after a while but there is definitly some weird sh1t going on. Try it with 808 Bass1 Long. That’s pretty bad too.

It seems to be an issue with 808 Bass1 too, but not quite so obvious.

When I had a real 808, many many years ago, I remember being worried/shocked by how the BD behaved with full decay. It sounds like Roland did a really good job of emulating how the actual 808 sounds when the decay is set at max.