Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Installed the update, FM is quite nice and adds quite a lot to the sonic palette.
Reload function is good and useful, move into right direction.

But still I have the feeling that TR8s is a dinosaur, comparing it to the DT for example. First of all the interface > so many menus, etc… for example you have to press SHIFT + INSTUMENT to start select instrument parameters, than press another button to start edit parameter, then press it again to exit… too slow. And LFO is also too slow : ) And it’s in the wrong menu…

Well. Here’s mine wish list for future update. I hope where will be another one…

  • Sound / Sample per step
  • Option to assign other parameters to Pitch / Decay knobs for automation recording.
  • LFO per track.
  • Options for samples - Sample Start / End / Loop control. At the moment there’s nothing.

The same way I play with all my other racked gear. I sequence it with the Squarp Pyramid anyhow, but I prefer the panel facing me this way.

Have just been playing with this. Great update!
Very nice FM sounds. Limited yeah, but if you want full synth, theres other options. I think the TR-8S does a brilliant job of being what it is, a drum machine.
I liked loopops point about comparison, ‘it depends what you compare it to’ wise words.
Also worth remembering, what do you want from a machine? Do you want easy editing of loads of parameters? Go over there to the elektron room. Do you want easy hands on control of all tracks right now ? Yep, that would be the TR8-S room.

Build a kit. Play it.

Im stoked.


Playing with one tone inspired me to build a pattern around it. Then I accompanied it with another tone that had a wide range of different harmonic and disharmonic sweet spots.


Anyone want to place bets on a major MC707 update this week? :grimacing:

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Devine Demo


they release updates quarterly (september 1.02 – december 1.20 – march 1.30 – june 1.50).
and 707 was released right before 909 day.
so next update is expected in september.

Synthstrom Deluge?

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Good one. That, or the MPC Live and its relatives. Those are the only ones that take the one box concept seriously enough (MC-707 falls short on its sampling features).

I do agree that if Sequential ever had a go at this, or Moog, that’d be quite something. Tempest goes to prove that Sequential could do something quite unique in this segment (running for cover as @JohntheSavage comes looking for me) but at the same time (and I’m saying this with a whisper, so he won’t hear me) I don’t think this was ever Dave’s thing. If anything, I think he’d go for a poly workstation with some levbel of multi-timbrality (not just duo) and a sequencer to match.

But I digress, don’t I?


It’s good to know that my reputation precedes me. Finally, all my dedication is paying off. When people can hear your words in their head before they are spoken, that’s when you know that the war of attrition has been won. :wink:



I was around on the DSI forum when the battle was fought. Your words have echoed in my chambers for years :slight_smile:

I love the Focault’s Pendulum effect it had, once the dust had settled that people imagined this was a template for just getting more features implemented.

I always perceived the Tempest affair as a promise not delivered on by Dave Smith Instruments, and a well-organised petition to hold them to and honor that promise, which really paid off - because the case really was so clear.


This is going to be me for the foreseeable future… TR8-S v2, monotribe.


Plenty you can do with that. :wink:


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I can feel an album brewing already!


your small trees make it look massive.

Ha, that’s a photo sent to me by, but I agree. It’s been stuck in the post for over a month now, but it looks like it’s finally tracking again. I think I should finally be getting it soon.

At the moment I can configure the three rotaries like on the 707 I will get one again. Sure, the fm sounds cool, but that was something that drove me away from it.

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That would be brilliant, I agree. But 1 of the three is at least a fraction :wink:

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The “war of attribution”, surely? :wink: