Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

I’m with you, the only thing stopping me buying it immediately is the fact that I already have the Digitakt and Digitone.

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I’m waiting for something to drop that will make me sell all my gear and go single box, but that isn’t anything from Roland so far… they just lack the desirability factor, something to do with the industrial design. My hopes are on Sequential


Because he wants to do everything in one box…

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haha I’m just wondering what the motivation is. portability, ease of focus, only have one free power outlet at his place, etc…

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My hopes are on Ableton making Live in a proper standalone hardware box :hugs:


less space, less cost :thinking:

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because I’m mostly doing “beats” as opposed to “songs” and I’m not fully proficient in music theory so things like structure and melodic content are less important to me, which leads me to the thought that i could simplify my setup (DT, DN, AH, SP404A). If it was a bit more sussed out, I would buy Tempest for example. There’s something nice about learning a piece of gear and define your output through its capabilities. I’m waiting for iPad pro 2020 to arrive and will give it a try as standalone music thing (although I bought it for other purposes) or maybe sell the SP and/or DN and focus only on DT + iPad, but that’s still not a single box.

well, the akai force is that thing right now. I hate anything with RGB pads though…

cool. just curious. I did the single box thing for a while: a summer making songs with just a Monomachine. it was fun, but I’m not sure I’d do something like that again unless I had to. music made all in one box always just ends up sounding like that box to me. it eventually gets old. I think your setup with DN and samples is great. focused, powerful, tons of sonic potential that shouldn’t get too “same-y” for quite a while. and if people want to sound like you, at least they have more than one box and bunch of samples to track down.

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Rolands implementation of FM here and in the System 1/8 isn’t really comparable with the Model Cycles, its basically the same as a wavetable giving you 1 knob to sweep through the FM algorithm. Not to say this isn’t a great update by Roland, I had a lot of fun with the FM on the System 1m (although it was a bit deeper as you could use those FM waves to cross mod another wave) it seems awesome but I don’t think a bunch of FM presets with a single knob to control them is very comparable to the M:C machines which have a pretty wide range with the 4 knobs which are carefully tuned. Its just a different sort of thing.


Am I missing something or is the ‘Morph’ parameter on the FM sounds only tweakable inside the INST edit menu? Cannot be assigned the the CTRL knob either natively or through the ‘User’ parameter. This seems like a missed opportunity.

I had no problem assigning morph to the ctrl knob. It’s all the way to the right.


I think thats part of the reason they put a lot of work into this update, the mc707 is actually VERY good and it was cannibalising tr8s sales.

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Thanks! It’s either a new way to assign things to CTRL or just a way that I wasn’t aware of. I am used to pushing CTRL once then using the Value knob to make its assignment. I tried pushing and holding and found WAYYY more parameters that can be controlled. Like, way more!


Dumped my force cause Akai failed to deliver on promises made, what, 2 years now?

Force had so much potential but they squandered it

The TR8S ACB drums are just much better than what’s on offer with the 707. IMHO.

My partner bought a 707 in December and she’s used it for maybe 15 minutes. That means I’ve used it for maybe two hours. :slight_smile:

I am in love with my TR8S. The 707, not so much. I don’t know if I would go so far as to say that the 707 cannibalized TR8S sales though.

I would almost suggest that the 707 has maybe even put the TR8S on some people’s radar. @Unifono seems to be venturing down the the 101 rabbit hole much to everyone’s delight. I see either a 707 or TR8S (or both) in his future!


Push 3 …
Yes same here, but after talking with some Ableton ppl at SB19 I really doubt it happen anytime soon.

:cry: I should stop bitching about it and get on with using my lovely and light MacBook Air

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But, but… How do you play it? :thinking:


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