Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

indeed. like anyone who just ordered a TR-8s and hasn’t received it yet is now having buyer’s remorse level bad.

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I like my latest roland purchases so much, I‘m fancying a system 8 now :see_no_evil:
but I see it rarely used. still very expensive

I’ve been wanting to hear an all-FM demo too. I like this more than cookie-cutter drum machine demos. I guess he’s just having fun exploring the thing, which is fine in my book.

As an FM machine, I’m not hearing anything as awesome as what I’ve heard from the Model:Cycles music thread, but then again, this guy is unlikely to have spent as much time with this FM machine as the fellas with their M:C’s. Granted we do have some darn talented M:C users here. Also, our M:C peeps seem to have put in the time to polish their tracks before uploading whereas this guy, once again, is just playing and having fun.

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The more i saw it, the more I need it :heart_eyes: :crazy_face: :pleading_face:

I think this box will be mine cause it’s very fun. I like the simplicity of its manipulation.

  • I really do love my AR. I use it more and more fluently live. Lot of hours to just play and programming. AR is a beast -

But when I see that. Just an evidence. Very easy to play. The possibility of being able to program variation during the pattern runing… whao. Why our powerful Elektron babies can’t…

That’s not a comparison, cause they are not in the same range, that’s why I want to play with each (why not as two desks around a good mixer :yum:).


I think it really shows when someone knows an instrument and when they dont.
The best way to demo something is to get someone that knows the gear inside out and backwards to do it.
Since the FM update only just came out, it will take a while for anyone to post a decent FM demo on the internet.

My own exploration with those voices has been fun, but I’m far from ready to show anything yet. Im busy with other project anyway.

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Yeah, that’s what interests me as well. I care more about ease of use and sounds when i check out a demo - I don’t care if it’s a Grammy award winner. Oh wait, I haven’t paid attention to the Grammys… I mean the greatness of the musical performance in the demo is irrelevant to me because that is more an indicator of the individual’s skills than what the piece of gear can do for my music.


Yep, you can copy and paste variations while a pattern is playing too. Very fast to make good grooves on this machine.

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Similar to other TR8s fm demos I´ve been watching closely when he turns the morph parameter on the CTRL knob. Roland seem to have scaled the parameters very well.
Turning just one knob is sort of the antithesis of how I approach my synths, but given the layout and the general concept of the TR8s it seems to fit perfectly.
And those sounds…There´s so much variety and texture you can get out of them. Also the master fx filter seems to bite and chew on the freqs in such a nice way.

Understandably not at all interesting for someone who already owns the thing.

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I have a big soft spot for the System 8 (and System-1). If there was a desktop module version of the 8 it’s quite likely I would have bought one by now.

Todays favourite TR-8S feature… the ability to reduce the LED brightness and save it as a system setting! Oh the relief!

I wish elektron boxes could do that. I was built for the darkness, I do not like bright lights at all.


yes! like the system 1m but with the 8 engine and the option to turn the lights off

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My only doubt now, to be sure of buying the trs-8, is relative to the faderfox mx12 that could bring more immediacy to my AR. It’s about same/near price.
But the possibility to create variations while playing main pattern is a must for me.

Does that not answer your own doubt?
Even with an additional midi controller (which I personally dislike on a conceptual level… two bits of equipment when one will do) elektron machines cannot write a pattern while another is playing.

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Could an OT play a record buffer loop from pattern one, xfade it so it solos, then move to the next pattern and build it?

Yes, it’s the crossfade transition trick.

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That’s it. You all talked me into it. I’m gonna give this one a go.


In a way, that’s kinda the ‘supercharge’ Elektrons feature, I guess^^

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I think you’ll have to prepare the trick before… cause the next pattern must already have a trig, or the magic won’t happen.
Here, you write another pattern will playing the first. Little difference that makes a lot. Or I didn’t understand the transition trick.

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