Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Ok! found it

In the pattern settings menu: KIT SW needs to be OFF. If KIT SW is off, then there is no glitch on pattern change, if pattern change is sent from external source.

So careful programming is needed to maintain correct kit changes and pattern changes during the song.

(For context, the baseline in my chorus is 16 bars long, so thats four patterns on the Elektrons, 2 on the Roland . Verse and chorus use different kits, so I can adjust programming to suit.)

Thanks for the input folks!
( @finalform seems like you were onto something, preloading kits even though there is no kit change, and a conflict with internal pattern change vs external pattern change. Weird.)


My memory is hazy but IIRC, before buying my TR-8S, I think I asked Roland support whether the 8S supported pattern change, because that was one of my most desired features on the TR-8. I thought they said that they had implemented it for the main pattern slot selection, but there was no way to access variations via midi. Which is a bit of a shame (since you have 8 variations, not just A/B) but it was still better than before. Program change on the TR-8 does indeed only change kit.


TanzbƤr seems to have a certain driveā€¦dunno hard to explainā€¦but those tiny knobs, argh!

I thought I had already decided for the TR8s, but the problems with program changes @Microtribe described made me reconsider my decision.
Of course careful usage of program change messages for switching TR8s kits could avoid glitches, but program changes on OT are tied to partsā€¦

Only if you use that function within a part. If you send pattern changes using the main midi settings, its not linked to parts.
Its actually not that big of a deal, Iā€™ve sussed it out now that I have identified the cause of the glitch.


Yeah, and I would use that to sync pattern changes so that TR8s follows OTs patterns, but for kits Iā€™d send program changes from a midi track.

When the TR8s is set to seperate control of pattern and kit changes as I understand Iā€™d just have to watch out for correct placement of stuff like cymbals, open hats etc. to make sure incoming program changes for the kit do not cut off tails or cause hiccups, right?

Or are those hiccups only occuring when patterns are tied to kits on the TR8s?

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And only when pattern change is sent from an external source.

So totally workable. (Eg- turn kit sw off when you dont need it. Turn it on when you do, but place notes to allow for the sound glitch/ or some other sneaky trick like mute drums, or even switch kits during a break)


Out of curiosity, is anybody using the audio inputs? If so, are you using them for side-chaining or the Scatter effect, or have you found an unusual way to use them?

I used them regularly for a while (until the Rytm Mk2 took over as my main drum squeeze). I really like that it has a level knob for the inputs right there on the front panel, and that you can utilise the onboard fx and sidechain (I forget which one was my preferred sidechain mode, I think number 3 maybe?). Itā€™s made for live performance.

Never been a fan of the scatter effect so not paid it much attention but Iā€™m sure there are some creative applications out there.


Yup. I use it for sidechaining all the time. One could also route instruments out any of the 6 outputs and back in so sidechaining as well.

As an aside, one trick I setup with my RNC is to set Output 1 to ā€˜Triggerā€™ then set the BD to Output 1. When itā€™s in trigger mode it will still output the sound out the master but also send a trigger pulse as well. I routed that into the sidekey input for the RNC and, voila! kick driven sidekeyā€™ed compression from my RNC.


Anyone use it as a sidekick for the OT in live setā€™s? The manual is sobering on the MIDI implementation.
The idea is to free up precious tracks on the OT which are currently occupied by sample chains.
Wish to switch patterns via midi from the OT. As far as I understand it from the TR8S manual, kits are also saved with patterns, right?

Yes. I use mine along side OT and digitone.
Read my previous posts in this thread. all the info you need is there.


Thatā€™s the answer I was hoping for, thanks! Will check your posts here :raised_hands::+1:

Like the former ACB presets that have an ā€˜/ā€™ in the name would allow for an alternate (ALT) sound (e.g. hold BD and add a step = pink instead of red), now ALL FM presets allow for this alternate sounds, effectively ā€˜doublingā€™ the number of FM presets this machine holds. So you can even get more FM twists goingā€¦ (enjoy!) :slightly_smiling_face:


I received it 2 week ago, still discovering it. But yes, itā€™s Ć  Nice drum machine. Really fun to play. Lot of tricks and shortcut that help for immediacy.
Love it.


So I skimmed through a big part of this threat and for those who installed update and use the TR8S as a sidekick to their live setup I have a question :sweat_smile:

Is the drop-out when changing kits still there or even noticeable in a live session when the TR8S isnā€™t the only instrument playing?

Yes, the drop is noticeable.

  • If I have my Deluge set to a beat, using a MIDI Kit (very nice BTW).
  • I have another MIDI clip set to the Kit channel (ch.1 by default), and use its PGM parameter to set it to (say) Kit 1 (TR-808).
  • Make a copy of that last clip, and set that to (say) Kit 2 (TR-909)

Now while playing, switch the active MIDI clips, you can hear the first beat after switching, to be muffled (not right).

So in this scenario, the Deluge will send the Program Change on the start of a beat, where there is also (say) a kick triggered, and the TR-8S seems to be too slow to pick up the PC in time.


Workaround is to send pc either on a blank pattern or at the right time - when no drum hits are programmed into the pattern.

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Yes, I can confirm this.

If, in my previously described setup (using Deluge), I use shift (allowing the MIDI clip change to be immediate, not at next cycle), all works fine.

It is more or less obvious, a device like TR-8S needs some (very little) time to switch the kit, before it is able to process new notes coming in (either internally, or via external sequencer).


For those that missed itā€¦


Thanks for the replies!
I think Iā€™ll have test for myself.
Usually I transition between song in a non linear way, so placing a note or pc just before the patterns ends would require a fixed arrangement.
But I move between songs using the classic transition trick on the OT and there donā€™t see an issue.
Even if I donā€™t use the trick I think having enough going on can work fine.:+1: