Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

I’ve set up a basic Drum Rack in Ableton 11 to use/trigger my TR8S from a Push 2.

Has anyone done this and got TR Editor to work at the same time?

I tried to get it going last night and it seemed like TR Editor and Ableton don’t like each other…?

Works for me! I do use separate regular 5-pin midi for clock and midi though. Have the usb connected only for the editor. This might be the reason it works?

Can anyone tell me if there is a way on the TR-8S to cut sounds before the end of their envelopes ?
I mean, if you trigger a sound with a MIDI keyboard (or a DAW in my case), can you play with the lengths of the notes ? Or once a sound is triggered, it’s triggered “till the end” ? I’m looking for something working as the HOLD parameter set to AUTO on the Analog Rytm.
Thanks !

Well I guess what loopop says here is that it’s not for me :

Sample tones have a hold parameter which can be time or step based.


TR-8s leads the way, flanked by LXR-02 & Digitakt:


I am also (mainly) interested in synth drums.
And as I wrote, it has to be sequencer-agnostic since I only use a DAW to sequence stuff.

There is no analogue of that feature on the TR8-S. You can however parameter lock decay per step. Or use LFO to decay.

Thanks for clarifying. It’s just way faster to use note length when using a DAW.

Yes you can control the length a sample tone plays when sequencing the TR-8S from a DAW or other hardware sequencer.

Just set the “Hold Mode” to “Whole” and your note lengths will determine how long the sample will sound (obviously restricted by the actual length of each sample).

You need to set “Decay” to minimum for the expected result but you can also adjust to taste.

It is also worth noting that the tune, decay, ctrl and level controls for each instrument respond to MIDI cc so can all be modulated from within a DAW.


You could set a choke group and then use a silent sound to cut off the playing sound.
You’d lose one sound obviously but its an idea.

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Nice, but samples only, right ?

Interesting idea, although, it means losing one sound per sound I want to be cut. Maybe with a 0 velocity ? But then any decay/release would be impossible.

I might seem super picky, but I have my own beat programming habits and I can’t give them up…

Yes, but bear in mind that the ACB and FM tones are short anyway, you can just tighten up the decay.

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Is it a way to control A,B,C…H. parts from another device like the Force?

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to quickly Reload a kit from the device itself and/or with Program Changes (no real doubt about it, but who knows).
And also, what happens if you send the Program Change message that recalls the current kit ? Does it reload the saved version of the kit or does it need to change to have an effect ? (some of my synths behave like this).
Also, does it handle very fast Program Change messages ?
Thanks !

Yes theres a menu dive way, and an instant reload button combo.

Not sure in this one. I tie all my kits to patterns so when I load a pattern, the correct kit loads.

Haven’t tested that.

Check the manual for details, most of the answers to your questions are in there.

Thanks !

I did, but no mention of the PC messages. They appear in the MIDI chart but they don’t say what they do. (do they change Patterns or Kits ?)
Found the Utility+Kit combo, though.

Scratches head… yeah not sure.
I know I’m sending pattern changes from the OT, and TR8-S responds to that. Other than that not sure! I got my set up working how I want and I havent changed anything since, sorry.

Only one way to find out I guess, try it and see :slight_smile:

Sure…I just don’t own it !
According to some infos found on the internet, PC change kits (this is what I’m after).
EDIT : easy, two settings, “Pattern channel” and “Kit channel”. I believe they both respond to PC on different channels. Nice !

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Ah gotchya.
Get one. It’s amazing. Best drum machine ever.
Thats right! I had to set a channel to receive pattern changes.

Cool, kit changes over midi huh?

@chapelierfou Oh also- beware, pattern changes over midi reloads the kit before the change, this can result in a small audio glitch. I documented it quite extensively deep in this thread. If you run in to problems, PM me and I’ll help you fix it. There’s easy workarounds.