Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

I’m pretty sure I would use both. I really stuff like that.
Another question. I can’t remember - can you use the audio input as separate mono inputs or just a single stereo?

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You can use them as 2 mono, or stereo pair. There’s pan controls for each input.
Anything routed through the external input passes through the soft clipper, so you get a really nice sound if you go that way.


nice thanks.

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Played around with the update last night, and I think it is currently the best sounding drum machine out there. Only thing that keeps me from selling my other drum machines is the menu diving.

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best sounding digital drum machine, i would say.
but yeah, it sounds fantastic.


Yes, others certainly have more personality: jomox, perkons, soma, elektron etc.
But I find it a bit easier to shape the tr8s into a mix.

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I actually hope this update will make it sound good cause I never really quite gel with the sound of it. It just feels dead no matter how much I tweaked it. Maybe with the new features this will change for me.

How many parameters can you tweak per step now? And what can’t be changed on a per step basis?

How about using the Saturator Instrument FX ? This really was a game changer for me to make the Sounds more “Analog”


TR-8S rocks and is more versatile. However I feel that in terms of satisfaction, Jomox Alpha Base can sound even better. Hope to get a used one at some pt or wait Roland to release a new drum machine.

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Are the probability per step per instrument? So each track can have its own length and probability? And can each track have its own tempo subdivision? Appreciate any thoughts I’m tempterd to get one of these features are implemented. Cheers

for me that’s one of the biggest reasons why i love Roland gear.
anyway, no digital machine nails a proper sound of analog kick.
i ended buying a couple of analog machines for that sole purpose, even if all the rest of drums is digital or digitally modeled.

of course i have certain genre bias, but … digital kicks rock as secondary kicks, but primary kick should be analog.

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I was pleasantly surprised by the new vinyl simulator effect, I didn’t expect anything from it at all to be honest. However it adds a mids-forward warmth that complements the digital nature of ACB etc.


I like analog kicks for their oomph and character but I love virtual analog digital kicks for their versatility.

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Three modulation parameters: tune, decay, ctrl (assignable) and one can now set probability for each step as well as the probability for substeps to occur (aka retrig probability).

Impossible to automate the master effect per step, for example.

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I love this too. I use it on almost every instrument, since it also allows for EQ and filtering. The only way to achieve a peak/notch at your desired frequency as well (post filter 3 has a peak mode with variable Q)


You can motion record the master effect control knob.

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True, but you can’t tweak that afterwards, except overwrite it.
Or is there a way to edit that per step, as with the other parameters?

Not sure, I haven’t tried it. Seems like it would be logical for it to work though.

Happy for any update, but still not chromatic mode, right? Also no way to trigger different samples on different steps I assume.