Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Maybe use this backup file?

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One of my favourite features of the TR-8 is that you can ā€œplayā€ the FX via step sequencer or external MIDI. So you can have reverb only active on step 13 for example and delay on a few others. Does the TR-8s allow for anything similar? Or would you use motion recording?

Thanks! That will help alot!

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Another question. Trying to sequence TR-8s from OT or Digitone. With the correct channels configured, the TR-8S follows Elektron pattern changes nicely. Exceptā€¦ it changes patterns the moment the PrgChange message is sentā€¦ and since OT/DN sent that message early, the TR-8S misses the last step of the current pattern and never gets in sync again. Does anyone successfully pattern sync the TR-8s with Elektrons?

It is technically motion recording, but you can apply it ā€œofflineā€ on a per-step basis. You just need to remember that itā€™s still motion recoding at heart, so if you set step 3 to 100% reverb, that setting will remain in place unless you change it again on a later step (unlike Elektron p-locks, which will just change the value temporarily for the length of the step).

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Did it just work? Anything special to look out for? I just canā€™t seem to find a way for the TR to finish playing the current pattern before switching.

Lost in the depth of this thread is my method, along with solutions to the Audio glitch caused by kit reload on pattern change.

If I remember Iā€™ll dig it up after work. Or search my posts above, the advance search function of this forum might help.

If I recall, all I had to do was set OT to send pattern change, and TR8-S to receive pattern change. Pattern length needs to be respected.

Another 8S noob question - is it possible to select all 8 pattern slots (A-H) and manually record in a part using the velocity sensitive pad in order to come up with a 128 bar pattern?

Also, would anyone say that the 8S could replace most of the functionality of a Model:Samples?

Thanks. Turns out I had already found your post in this thread earlier just didnā€™t remember it was yours. Itā€™s just that I think Iā€™m encountering a different issue. Iā€™m not even hearing a glitch. A whole step is missing when a pattern change happens and leads to loss of sync. Like so:

x---x---x---x---[PC]x---x---x---x--- [Digitone]
x---x---x---x--[PC]x---x---x---x--- [TR]

Is there any way to prevent the TR from reacting to PC messages before the end of the pattern?

Yes :slight_smile: you can also record motion/automation (pitch/decay/Cntl and master FX) in the same way, i.e. A-H var/128 steps.

Mostly :slight_smile: Two that leap to mind, MS still has chromatic/scale input and Control All , TR8s doesnā€™t.

Good point. Plus the M:S has LFOs per track.

Does anyone have experience using the new FM Percussion machine that has the chromatic note control?

I get this on TR-6S too, as soon as it receives the program change (from an Elektron box) it switches. Very interested to know if thereā€™s a solution. I contacted Roland and they said they are aware of it but didnā€™t seem particularly interested,

One of the guys here mentioned that it works if you just use 16 step patterns on both machines, havenā€™t tried that yet as it doesnā€™t really suit my workflow, but could be a solution for you.

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Thank you! Good to know Iā€™m not alone with this. By the way, Iā€™ve tried the most simple setup I could and did complete factory resets as well. Using only simple 16 step patterns. Still happens. Guess I should file a bug with Roland. [Edit: support request sent]

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Hadnā€™t spotted this, so I just took a look. Itā€™s interesting for sure - the normal chromatic parameter control is +/- two octaves in semitones, but the FM Perc Modelā€™s note control runs from C-1 to G9, so a huge range (sweeping the knob sounds suitably crazy). Obviously a lot of scope for melodic programming there but (as is always the problem) if you want to sequence the notes, you can forget about sequencing any other FM parameters. Thatā€™s a shame, because the potential here would otherwise be substantial. But as per my previous post, if you approach it with the mindset that the 8S is a drum machine that does some interesting things, rather than a groovebox with some severe limitations, you could get some good mileage out of this instrument, I think.


Itā€™s nothing youā€™re doing wrong. The TR-8S has always done this and Iā€™ve reported it several times. They donā€™t seem interested in fixing it. Itā€™s not an Elektron issue.

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Actually, I think it is kind of an elektron issue

Elektrons sends the program change earlier than the first beat of the new bar. This makes the TR-8S instantly jump to the next pattern, skipping some time.

I have a Hapax and it has both the option to send regular program changes, so on the first beat of the new bar (like Ableton) or to send it earlier (like Elektron). They made this specifically for Elektron devices, as most other devices work like Roland/Ableton (I think).

If I send it like the regular way, the TR keeps playing in sync. There is only an audio glitch when sending midi notes simultaneously on the first beat of the first bar. If I use the internal sequencer of the TR, there is no glitch.

I do think Roland should add a program change arm/wait for next bar option though to deal with these things.

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Isnā€™t it normal to send PCMs before the first beat of the new pattern, as you want it to start queuing the new pattern ahead of time on the slaved device? I think thatā€™s how most machines Iā€™ve used work. I think the MC-707 also works this way.

Anyway, Roland must have changed the way they respond to program changes, as their new T-8 drum machine changes pattern perfectly when PCM is sent from Elektrons. So I suspect they know thereā€™s an issue with the way theyā€™d been handling it with the TR-8S, and so have done it differently in the newer products.

Just one more update regarding the OT/DN -> TR-8S sync issue. With the kind help of @Microtribe Iā€™ve been able to figure out that sync worked perfectly fine until firmware V2.01. V2.03 included a fix which broke pattern changes coming from Elektron devices and it stayed in place in V2.50. Will forward this to Roland and hope they make that behaviour a setting or something.