Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

This really isn’t the case.


You just need to install the updated version of the TR Editor. Open the Editor and you will be prompt to install the 2.50 TR8-s update. Just simple as that.

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Just the file, no folders. Happend to me too, the instructions state that clearly if one reads carefully enough :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’ve not used one but I am interested in one for live performance - but this surely isn’t true is it? I’ve watched some videos and sound design seems to mostly involve using the CTRL knob.

A bit like if a Digitakt only had 1 encoder :laughing:

But maybe that doesn’t feel like a big issue? People certainly don’t complain about it, to be fair.

I think the key with the 8S is to approach it as a drum machine. If you’ve got a dozen sounds going and each one has an assignable parameter at your fingertips (plus the fixed ones), that’s a lot going on and you probably won’t benefit from any more.

If you’re trying to use it like a Digitone or M:C, it’s likely to disappoint, because you can’t have that level of detailed and immediate control over a single voice or track. This hurts a bit with the new FM models on the 8S because they have a lot of potential, but they’re just no fun to edit on the hardware, and complex live control is impossible (at least standalone).

But as opposed to the M:C, you do have those dedicated control knobs for each voice - so again, if you use it as a drum machine with every voice running an FM patch, you’ve got a lot of scope for experimentation and variety. If you want it to be more of a groovebox where you can have eight drum sounds with a synth voice or two on top, it might well be frustrating. I suspect that, like some other modern gear, it suffers a little from being approached as a jack of all trades - a role better suited to the MC-707.


I would say it’s significantly worse than Elektron for how quick it is to program from the front panel - it was a big part of the reason why I sold mine. The software editor (which came out after I sold mine) fices that though… so, for live performance where it can work well especially taken on board what @NickD mentions in his post.

That said, it depends on what sort of setup you’re integrating it with - I felt that with a setup where you can focus most of your attention on the TR8s and playing sliders, swapping variations etc in the moment it was great. But with a setup where you’re focused on other things much more it starts to sound very static… for more minimal rhytmic approaches that not so bad. Contrasted with Elekton machines with the wealth of trig conditions, LFOs etc it’s just a different approach. Ultimately, it was another reason why I sold mine. The new step probability in the TR8s might just offset that aspect…

All things considered, with this update I may look to get a TR6s at some point as it might give me enough of it’s sound (it does sound fantastic!) without it being the same size as an aircraft carrier’s flight deck - the final reason I sold my TR8s :grinning:


Not so sure, but near

Yes, i discover recently push the “ctrl select” knob then select the parameter with value knob, then adjust.
You even can change the instrument and still have the same parameter to tweak. That’s pretty efficient to live design sounds.
If you do that with automation record, that change the tr8s in a cool pattern design machine.

Question for TR-8S users - I believe there are 3 lanes of motion sequencing. Is it possible to have those three lanes be any parameter, or is it limited to those assigned to the 3 hardware knobs (i.e the 2 predetermined parameters on the first 2 knobs and the assignable third)?

I was hoping that you could select one parameter for the assignable control knob, record movements and then change it to another parameter and record movements for that. Not sure that it would work though.

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Limited to those the hardware knob parameters only. Can’t motion record one and then switch to another and motion record that while the other is still motion recorded.

That’s a feature that makes basic sound design very immediate and works very well during performance.

It’s of course not like having several pages of parameters with dedicated knobs, but overall I fins the TR8S workload very efficient.


Is there a way to use the Tr-editor to save the same kit on all slots? I cant copy kit, or save to a different kit slot.

Not sure about the editor, as I dont use it.
But on the hardware you can save kits to different slots. Which is effectively copying it to another slot.

You can also use the copy function to copy kits.

Yeah, i know how to do it on the hardware. I just wanted something that did it faster. :slight_smile: I want to set it up so each pattern has its individual kit.

Huh? To me this looks like an elektron-lite with a few handy features for performance. Certainly not something that would even compete with them

I’m trying to figure out what parameter options are available for samples on the TR-8S. Is there a pitch envelope, or is that just on the FM drums?

If elektron would please do a groovebox with faders per track like 707 or tr-8s usw, usf.


No pitch envelope for samples sadly. Would have been interesting indeed!

I got a TR-8s finally, really love it so far.

The only problem is that I’m experiencing crackling when going into my new macbook pro after a while. I tried to extend the buffer size of the driver and and in Live but no luck…

has anyone the same problem? hope to find a solution.

Same problem. Other than raising the buffer in Live, I never found a solution other than to not use USB.

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I had this exact problem with all audio via usb devices I tried besides elektrons when using the overbridge plugin.
Without the plugin, using them as interfaces I had the problem with digitone etc as well.

Also with Tr8s, MC101, Roland Boutiques
Crackle comes and goes occasionally