Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

This is lifted directly from the manual, (you can download the full manual pdf for free from rolands website)

User samples are automatically categorised as ‘import’ imported samples appear before the first ACB sounds.

Ive had my TR8-S for a few years now, not aware of any sample tagging. You can of course name your samples appropriately in your computer for easier scrolling, but scrolling is what you will end up doing, as thats just how the TR8-S sound browser works.

Hold shift while you scroll to quick select between categories.

Right, I must have been confused. Thanks for confirming.

Only a couple weeks in on this thing, I’m a bit torn on it. Really fun to play, but setting up kits and editing sounds while improvising is a total nightmare for me. I’m not averse to using the laptop so I’ll try the editor. But once I’m in the computer it’ll be harder to justify this since I already have a good flow with Ableton drum racks, midi controllers and the OXI One.

Yeah it took me quite a while to get the hang of it. But now I love it. Best drum machine Ive ever had. By a long way.

I tend to seperate making kits, from jamming out. Just way easier. So I’ll make a bunch of kits in the evening and save them. Then jam out some other time with my other gear.


Would anybody be up to sharing some sample based kits here? I’d love to mess around with some new sounds but don’t quite have the time to invest in going through my sample library and getting to work right now.

That’s good advice. Making kits can be fun too but it’s a bit of a slog, on any device. Going to give the editor a try today, I think that’s going to shorten my kit making time by a lot.

You can add tag (well, edit category to be technically correct) after importing you sample(s) , not before AFAIK. The tags are the actually categories, i.e. BD, SD…RC, Synth etc. There are also 32 user categories, user01/user02…user32 which can be renamed and assigned if needed. To change your imported sample category, do this:

  1. Press Sample, choose your imported sample
  2. Shift + Sample to edit
  3. Scroll to category (show import), press enter to change to BD, SD or user01/32 etc.

It’s a pretty tedious procedure if you’ve 100+ samples to tag, as you have to do each individualy :slight_smile: and it’s not that useful.

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Thanks for the tips! Yeah, the workflow to categorize certainly does not seem worth it. I would probably use the user categories to group packs, like my Perkons samples for example. They really should add sample management to the editor.

On a similar topic, I understand that about 30% of the sample memory is taken up my factory samples? is there any way to clear the factory samples to make space for more of my own? IIRC we have 600 seconds of storage but there are 200 seconds of factory installed?

There is no way to clear factory samples.

I also find I can’t load 600s of samples, the most I’ve managed to load is around 200 samples of individual hits of around 1-2s each.

I’ve read some of the comments in here related to program changes from Elektron gear being problematic, but can someone confirm if this is the same thing?

I have OT set up to send program changes, TR8S set up to receive. But the very first pattern change message seems to be triggered one step too early on the TR8S.

So if I double stop OT, then start - TR8S restarts the pattern one step too early on the first loop.
Then if I single start, both stay in sync fine until I change patterns on the OT. Then the TR8S changes one step too early, but all other pattern changes happen on the right step (but now the two are out of sync).

I’m on the latest firmware and don’t recall this happening before… haven’t tried a factory reset or a downgrade yet (would need to find a v2.0 somewhere).

That’s it

Thanks… I remembered you saying something about this but couldn’t find those comments. That’s new as of 2.5, right?

Yep, still exists in the latest firmware

I found a download of 2.0 here: Roland - Dukungan - TR-8S - Updates & Drivers - TR-8S System Program (Ver.2.00) and it’s working as I remember now - changes at the right time, every time.

It looks like it started happening in 2.03 - I had found a copy of that as well and the issue still happened there. The release notes say they fixed this issue:

When a VARIATION is switched during playback, a different VARIATION sound is sometimes played at that moment.

Maybe that introduced the pattern change bug. Programming is hard.

Edit: this version has the issue Microtribe was working through two years ago, where tails are cut off on program change. I can at least work around that though.


Thank you! Ive been saying this for a quite some time. TR8-S pattern changes fine with OS. V2.

The tails cutting off issue is resolved by having
Kit settings- Sw = OFF.



Yeah, I didn’t remember this being an issue but it had been long enough since I’ve worked on anything too seriously. I probably would have chucked this thing long ago if this was always happening though.

Back in business now. Phew.

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hopefully you guys can help me with this…
i am trying to turn off the scatter for the ext in so it only effects the tr8s sound…
cant find it somehow……

I think that’s simply not possible…

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Wait, maybe it is possible when you route the external inputs to the assignable outputs?

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atm i managed to do this by routing my 2 synths mono into the mc707 “returns tracks” and the tr8s stereo outs into the “ext in” of the mc707 to leave the “ext in” on the tr8s alone. i forgot you could do this with the returns on the mc707.
but i will have a try with that routing. i totally thought it was possible to just turn the fx off for the 8s “ext in” but - nope. Wondering why but…

Haven’t tried it myself, but the signal flow chart seems to indicate you can send external input to assignable output, which should by pass the scatter, master fix and soft clipper. Unless I’m interpreting the diagram wrong, and external input is always fed to the scatter.