Rom problem

when i put on my own sounds on the rom and make a track sometimes it resets and looses the sounds i picked out form the rom are gone from track but still in rom why is this?

Are you saving the kit?
That’s all I can imagine it would be.

yeah it happens if i dont save or do

please specify your problem again, I cant really figure out what you mean. … if u record your own sounds from an external source and you turn the MD off, then these sounds gets deleted. you will have to save these, best is to name them as well so you will find them again. the tutorial in the back of the MD manual will tell you more.

no not record. i use c6 add them from pc to rom. then when i pick sound from rom make a pattern etc save come back load up sometimes this happens what i saved the rom sound are gone form track i saed but there still in rom

here are some full stops, commas, excalamtion marks etc for you … —>



cant help you with your problem sorry.

Yea - I’m really thinking this is gonna turn out to be user error. It’s really easy to swap kits before saving kits, and every time I’ve experienced anything like this, it was just because I didn’t actually save the kit.

Keep trying and see if you can reproduce it.

Maybe you have used the same Kit in another Pattern, edited it and saved? This will affect all Patterns that use the Kit obviously.

Just wanted to report…it happened to me last night. It’s very easy to do.

I was editing a kit, and I had it going pretty good. I then began constructing a song out of this new kit/pattern.

I switched to another song to compare. When I switched back to my new song, all the samples were gone…I had forgotten to save the kit.

I then just tried to manually rebuild the kit.

Then I remembered the ‘undo kit’ from the manual, so I looked that up. Sure enough, there is an ‘UNDO KIT’ in the list of kits at the bottom, just to save your edits in times like these. I don’t know exactly how it works, but it is worth a shot, next time you ‘lose your samples’, check the Undo kit.