Routing audio and midi question

Are there any good videos or diagrams on routing Digitakt with Syntakt to an audio interface? To each other, etc??
Want to also connect Keystep to ST (figure it’s same setup as DN and Keystep from YT tutorials I’ve seen). Have seen Ivars vid for DN with DT, but specifically looking for examples with DT and ST.

So confused atm. New to Elektron workflow and just learned Digitakt.

Basic gist is: I have Ableton on Laptop. Connected to audio interface. Only have two input ports available on it for one of the Elektron boxes. Also Have Maschine gear that connects via usb so trying to figure out clock sync. DT and ST will also be connected to USB for Overbridge.

I have looked at manual for both items and it’s kinda not clear (or I’m just not getting it). Appreciate any best practice/examples/links/anecdotes/brain cells.

Thanks for any info.

Do you want videos or text here ?
Do you want to use Overbridge?

You bet. I’d recommend you to test each machine separately at first, with Overbridge. Does it work ?

This is simple with regular jacks connections.
DT out > ST in
ST out > Audio interface

ST out > DT in
DT out > Audio interface

With USB, Overbridge or not, it’s another story. Ableton and Mashine are other stories too. :content:

Separately both work as expected. This is more of a question of how to run both, which is master. Then yes, overbridge to record.

From what I’m reading…
Audio out from Dt or St to in on Dt or St is possible, then out to audio interface (via chain) is possible.

Kinda thinking….
Route ST to DT so I can sample from the inputs. Then out from DT to audio interface.

I’ve seen videos where panning was needed for stereo settings, and then other configs for DT and DN combo. Curious if that applied to ST.

For the moment there is no individual pan settings for ST. There is an option for stereo or (dual) mono inputs.

Thanks for all info. Got all to work and have better understanding of midi routing with DT as brain for DAWless, then Laptop with Overbridge. Just have to switch between cables from the DT outs for my monitors to my Audio interface when wanting to work in the box (laptop).

This video helped a me understand auto channels and how they work (using Keystep with both devices). Thought I’d share as it’s a good video imho.

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